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The blue area shows the proposed expansion of the parking lot at B&B Micromanufacturing. The additional parking will be gravel.

Adams Planning Board OKs Parking Lot Expansion for B&B

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
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ADAMS, Mass. — B&B Micromanufacturing has had so many orders it's having trouble fitting in parking for its employees. 
The Planning Board on Sept. 26 approved a gravel addition to the existing parking lot at 201 Howland Ave. 
"Just based on their rapid growth and with respect to site plan review criteria, it was important to fully understanding the loading and unloading of materials on the property here as well as equipment parking," said Brent White of White engineering. "It really allows for the parking of vehicles as well as storing more motor vehicles on a more durable surface compared to out in the grassy area of the property itself."
White believed that the plans, including the protection of the willow trees on the property and the swapping of some plantings, would satisfy the Conservation Commission after some discussions with that panel. (The commission approved the plans the same week.)
The company manufactures tiny homes, particularly for a nationwide vendor of short-term vacation rentals that is continuing to expand. The wait between a third-vendor picking up completed tiny homes and an increase in employees, often has worker vehicles parked on the grassy entrance at the side of the highway. 
"There will likely still be a need for some parking on the grass," said White, but the hope is that the installation of a gravel area will reduce that need. 
"It is the intention to be able to park more vehicles utilizing this road network here. ... I would see one car or maybe one or two cars parked in this grassy area during the summer, during a peak while while they're waiting for deliveries to be taken. ... It's certainly not their intention to have that grass as a long-term parking area or we would be seeking permission to put more gravel surface down."
There are currently about 55 employees at the factory but the need for parking around the main building is based on an ebb and flow of orders and pickups, he said in response to questions about a surfeit of vehicles on the grassy area at times during the summer. 
"I think it was more a matter of just a peak production where they had units ready to go and they were trying to make it easier for the third-party vendors to come in, hooked up and haul them off," White said. 
The planners asked if the parking would be behind the willows at the entrance and White responded that they could be required to plant additional vegetation between the willows and property setback. This could meet the board's concerns but also allow B&B some flexibility if it needed to avail itself of parking beyond the gravel area. If more parking were needed, the company could come back to the board. 
Based on the conversation, Planner David C. Krzeminski said he thought anything west of the willows should be left as green and no parking or storage.
White suggested a return in six months "to get through their peak production period" and review if the conditions were working out. Planner Michael Mach said there could be a problem come mud season.
The board approved the plans contingent on the Conservation Commission signing off on it, that there not be any parking or storage in the green belt along the highway and that company come back for a review on or before March 1, 2023. 
In other business, an application by Motah420 LLC for a special permit to open a marijuana cultivation and manufacturing facility in the Industrial Zoning District was delayed to October at the applicant's request. 
The board also briefly discussed a stormwater bylaw as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Community Development Office is seeking to have this passed as a general bylaw through the Board of Selectmen with the Planning Board as the authority. The goal is to have it on the special town meeting in November. 

Tags: parking,   Planning Board,   

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Cheshire to Vote on School Funding and More at Town Meeting

By Daniel MatziBerkshires correspondent
CHESHIRE, Mass. — Voters will gather on Monday, June 10, to address the annual town budget and several key issues during the town meeting in the Cheshire Community House cafeteria (The former Cheshire Elementary School) at 7 p.m., with voter check-in starting at 6:30 p.m.
The warrant can be found here.
The proposed budget for fiscal 2025 includes various departmental funding requests, reflecting necessary increases due to inflation and rising costs of materials and services, according to the Cheshire Annual Town Meeting Voter Information Packet.
The town's operating budget highlights an allocation of $1,509,096 for general government operations, with a notable portion dedicated to legal services reflecting ongoing litigation. That amount would increase from $12,500 in FY24 to $20,000 in FY25.
Two articles in the warrant directly relate to funding for the Hoosac Valley Regional School District. Article 9 would pass the district's $3,098,996 budget as submitted. If that passes, Article 25 would determine if the town would pay for the budget by transferring funds from free cash and the general stabilization fund.
If the HVRSD budget does not pass, the town would move to vote on a Proposition 2.5 override, effectively raising the tax rate for the town. Adams town meeting approved the school budget last week. 
Voters will also decide on compensation for elected officials, disposal of surplus property, and authorization for balance agreements. Significant spending articles include:
Public Safety: $468,052 for police and fire services, with the introduction of a full-time School Resource Officer at Hoosac Valley Regional Middle and High School.
 Highway Operations and Tree Warden: $1,046,092, covering increased wages and increased rates and the usage of streetlights.
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