Adams' Valley Street Shed Still Needs Funding

By Brian RhodesiBerkshires Staff
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ADAMS, Mass. — Construction of the new shed at Valley Street Field may be delayed due to a lack of funding. 


Mike Benson of the Adams/Cheshire Little League attended Monday's Parks Commission meeting and said the league is still working on obtaining funds for the shed. The town appropriated $3,000 for the shed as part of the fiscal 2023 budget and asked the league to match. 


"I've done a ton of fundraising this year to try to keep the costs low for the kids," Benson said, noting he could probably contribute about half of the $3,000 needed right now.


The league, Benson said, is in the process of ordering a new scoreboard for the field, one similar to the one recently installed at Russell Field. He said financing the scoreboard came first, as it was in the works before planning for the new shed began. 


"We had started the scoreboard thing before we heard anything about the shed," he said. "... We haven't asked the town for anything to do to help with the scoreboard. We're doing it all on our own, it's $3,500." 


Mark Pizani, an equipment operator at DPW, said they would likely be able to get more time out of the old shed if the league needs more time for funding. Benson said he would happily work with the town to clean the shed. 


"We can work it out with what we have. If we need another year out of it, it's really not a big deal," Pizani said. "That's my personal feeling. It would have been nice to have." 


Commission Chair James Fassell agreed the current shed can keep being used and said the group will revisit the issue in the future. 


"I just want to make sure it's for the good of the league and for the good of Adams," he said. 


In other business, Pizani updated the board on a berm near Russell Field, which the group was concerned could overflow onto the field. He said a significant amount of brush and debris was removed from the water since the last meeting, making an overflow less likely. 


"We cleaned that whole river out," he said. "We cleaned it out; it's in good shape. We took truckloads of debris and stuff out of the river." 

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Cheshire to Vote on School Funding and More at Town Meeting

By Daniel MatziBerkshires correspondent
CHESHIRE, Mass. — Voters will gather on Monday, June 10, to address the annual town budget and several key issues during the town meeting in the Cheshire Community House cafeteria (The former Cheshire Elementary School) at 7 p.m., with voter check-in starting at 6:30 p.m.
The warrant can be found here.
The proposed budget for fiscal 2025 includes various departmental funding requests, reflecting necessary increases due to inflation and rising costs of materials and services, according to the Cheshire Annual Town Meeting Voter Information Packet.
The town's operating budget highlights an allocation of $1,509,096 for general government operations, with a notable portion dedicated to legal services reflecting ongoing litigation. That amount would increase from $12,500 in FY24 to $20,000 in FY25.
Two articles in the warrant directly relate to funding for the Hoosac Valley Regional School District. Article 9 would pass the district's $3,098,996 budget as submitted. If that passes, Article 25 would determine if the town would pay for the budget by transferring funds from free cash and the general stabilization fund.
If the HVRSD budget does not pass, the town would move to vote on a Proposition 2.5 override, effectively raising the tax rate for the town. Adams town meeting approved the school budget last week. 
Voters will also decide on compensation for elected officials, disposal of surplus property, and authorization for balance agreements. Significant spending articles include:
Public Safety: $468,052 for police and fire services, with the introduction of a full-time School Resource Officer at Hoosac Valley Regional Middle and High School.
 Highway Operations and Tree Warden: $1,046,092, covering increased wages and increased rates and the usage of streetlights.
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