SVMC Celebrates Accredited Nursing Residency Graduates
Seated, left to right: Graduates Pauline Evans, BSN, RN, of Medical-Surgical; Caraline Sprague, RN, of Medical-Surgical; Rebekah Keasbey, BSN, RN, of ICU; and Regina Johnson, RN, of Medical-Surgical. Standing, left to right: Current students Leanne Hallenbeck, MS, RN, of ICU; Tayler Ferris-Dow, RN, of the Emergency Department; Mariah Micare, RN, of the Emergency Department; Michael Sigsbury, BSN, RN, of the Emergency Department; and Alison Camarda, MSN, RN, director of Clinical Education. Graduates not pictured include Christina Cooper, BSN, RN, of Women’s and Children’s Services; Sam Irion, RN, of the Emergency Department; Daelyn Peterson, BSN, RN, of Medical-Surgical; and Claire Quigley, BSN, RN, of the Emergency Department. |
BENNINGTON, Vt. — Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC), part of Southwestern Vermont Health Care (SVHC), graduated eight nurses from its Transition-to-Practice Nurse Residency Program.
The program is the first program in the state and one of only 208 in the United States to have received accreditation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Practice Transition Accreditation Program for nurses working in the medical-surgical, women's and children's, and emergency departments. Accreditation for the intensive care unit is expected to be obtained later this year. Current students in the program joined the graduates in celebrating their completion.
The year-long program is completed during the students' first year of employment and as they serve in nursing roles across the organization. Monthly meetings connect RNs with nurse educators, leaders, and skilled preceptors for mentorship. They incorporate clinical skills assessments and hone the interpersonal and organizational skills needed to coordinate care with a team of health care providers on the job. Topics for group sessions include communication, leadership, inter-professional teamwork, evidence-based practice, and ethics. Skill sessions provided new graduate nurses opportunities to gain confidence in the hands-on aspects of their work.
"We are very proud of these distinguished graduates," said Pamela Duchene, PhD, APRN, the chief nursing officer and vice president for Patient Care Services at SVMC. "Each of them is prepared for a long and successful career in the field of nursing."
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