A student-organized protest lead by Jaycee Babbs at BArT Charter School walked out for about 10 minutes on Thursday morning. The students held signs and Babbs spoke about the importance of Roe v. Wade and thanked her classmates for participating.
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Students at two North County schools marched out of classs on Thursday to protest the likely overturn of Roe v. Wade.
Students from Berkshire Arts & Technology Charter Public School in Adams walked out in the morning with signs and more than 125 Drury High School students left class to gather in front of the school at noon.
Holding signs that said "Girls Just Want to Have Fundamental Rights," "Don't Like Abortion, Have a Vasectomy," "Pro-Choice Does Not Mean Pro-Abortion" and "If You Can't Trust Me With A Choice Why Would You Trust Me With A Child," the students took turns expressing their frustration and anger at the decision.
"Once upon a time many years ago, people look down at us Gen Z and said, 'you are the future of America.' Yet here we stand having to fight for our damn right for bodily autonomy," said Drury student Shaleese Fisher to applause. "It's not fair, it's our lives, it's our bodies, it's our future. Let's change it for the better."
A number of students spoke out about the repercussions that could come with the overturn of the landmark case that found women had the right to an abortion. The court's finding in 1973 was based in part of the right to privacy, on which a number of other rights are based including schooling, contraception and marriage.
The majority opinion to strike down the case was leaked to the press earlier this month.
"This is a very, very dangerous precedent that this document shared, it affects almost everyone in here," said Joaquin Barnes, citing wording in the leaked opinion that could mean overturning Obergefell v. Hodges, which enshrined the right to gay marriage.
Other students pointed out it could affect access to birth control and the criminalization of abortion, contraception and medical care. That, in turn, could mean felony convictions and a loss of voting rights.
"It is important that we're all here fighting for what we believe in and being peaceful is important," said Piper Jacobs. "And it's true that this gets overturned, women will have less rights than an inanimate object and that is a problem in a country that is supposed to be free for all people."
One student argued that shotguns will have more rights than women and people with uteruses, others that they would be forced to abide by a religious decision that they didn't agree with and that it wouldn't stop abortion but rather make it unsafe.
"The fact that all of this is literally just over one thing, over one person's right to choose what they want to do with their body, not to mention that there is not a single law put in place that says that the government has the right to choose over a man's body — only over a woman's — which you can see is clearly sexist and misogynist," said one student.
Ky Hyde, who organized the walkout, led the students in 15 minutes of silence, average amount of time an abortion takes.
"It's not right. That is an attack on anyone with a uterus not just women because women are the only people who have uteruses," Hyde said. "No one should have to fight for their right to do what they want with their body. It's not anyone else's business. And if you don't want abortion simply don't have them."
Afterward, the senior said they weren't expecting as many people to talk at the event and be as respectful. Hyde was particularly taken by the attendance of some of the middle school students.
"It's a big thing and it hits home for a lot of people, they don't share that experience because hard. It's hard enough on yourself nevermind people judging you," Hyde said. "There's a stigma around it, and there shouldn't be because there's many reasons for someone to have an abortion or to take contraceptives."
The students had been warned that there would be repercussions for the walkout, said Principal Timothy Callahan, which would likely be a warning. It was a lesson in civil disobedience, he said, that there are consequences to breaking the rules to make a point.
However, he was proud of Hyde for putting the protest together and the others for participating.
"I think it shows the students exercising their 1st Amendment Rights in a respectful way so I'm proud of the way they handled it," he said.
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Steeple City Social Slowly Opening in North Adams
By Breanna SteeleiBerkshires Staff
Andrew Fitch and Meghan Daly wanted a place where residents can gather for a coffee or a drink.
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — A new cafe, bakery, and bar is open on Eagle Street.
The long-awaited Steeple City Social is in "soft open" mode at the moment. Last weekend, friends and bakery partners Meghan Daly and Andrew Fitch opened the doors for people to see the new spot and try some of their items.
"It's right in the name with 'social' that we want it to be a space where people could hang out, spend time together, get a nice, you know, something nice to eat, and just really be in communication with each other," Daly said.
Fitch, a city councilor, and Daly started producing baked goods and beverages in 2023 at the North Adams Farmers Market as A&M Bakery and utilizing First Fridays as well.This was to help test a concept before making it a storefront.
"We were doing breakfast sandwiches and pastries and coffee and lemonade," Daly said. "And it was really just to kind of test the concept, and sort of it's a great way to get out there at the farmers market. So we did that every week for that summer. During that time, we also did some pop-up kind of bar concepts with First Fridays out on Eagle Street."
Fitch bought the former Pizza House building a couple years ago and knew he wanted to bring something to downtown for people to enjoy.
"So three years ago for me, I had this vision of, like, I'd love for these buildings to provide an excellent experience for everyone around town, and to really, like, help bring up all of downtown North Adams and to create a bunch of foot traffic. And I immediately, too, hoped that there would be kind of a daytime activity and an evening activity," Fitch said.
The long-awaited Steeple City Social is in "soft open" mode at the moment. Last weekend, Meghan Daly and Andrew Fitch opened the doors for people to see the new spot and try some of their items.
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