PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Entrepreneurship for All (EforAll) Berkshire County has decided to change the Dec. 21 Gala to a virtual event on Zoom.
With the recent uptick in cases of Covid in the area, the upcoming holidays and with concern for the health and safety of the local community, EforAll will celebrate their Fall 2021 cohort virtually instead of in-person as originally planned.
Included in a press release:
"Though it won't be the same as in-person, we still have big plans! We will hear from former Governor Deval Patrick, a class speaker, award our cohort certificates and cash prizes and offer a tribute to our friend Paula Buxbaum on Tuesday, December 21st at 5:30pm over Zoom. And now that it's virtual, we hope to have an even bigger turnout!"
The event will celebrate graduates of its 2022 Fall Accelerator Program and award $10,000 in prize money. Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will keynote.
EforAll began its fourth Accelerator in Berkshire County in September 2021 and will "graduate" 13 individuals (representing 12 organizations) from the intensive 12 week program. They have been learning twice a week from experts on a variety of topics about business and entrepreneurship.
Distribution of a $10,000 prize pool for the Fall 2021 graduates will be announced at this celebration.
Pre-registration for the Zoom event is required: https://bit.ly/VirtualGala1221
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