Pittsfield Lifts State of Emergency

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — In conjunction with the rescinding of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' state of emergency and other COVID-19 restrictions on Tuesday, June 15, Mayor Linda Tyer has also lifted the City of Pittsfield's public health state of emergency.
"This is an administrative step that allows us to be in alignment with the state," said Mayor Tyer. 
The city's Emergency Declaration, which went into effect March 2020, allowed municipal government to access state and federal resources to effectively serve the community during the pandemic. The declaration also triggered the establishment of a unified command that was comprised of senior level city officials for the purposes of tracking, monitoring, planning, and executing decisions related to the mitigation of COVID-19.
On Tuesday, state lawmakers are expected to continue discussions on extensions and provisions, such as outdoor dining and virtual municipal meetings, allotted statewide during the pandemic.

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Concerns Raised About Intersection Near Nessacus Middle School

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

DALTON, Mass. — The Traffic Commission is looking into safety concerns with the intersection in front of Nessacus Regional Middle School.

On Thursday, the panel voted to send a letter to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation voicing the concerns and providing crash data for the intersection of Hinsdale Road, East Housatonic Street and Fox Road.

"Almost every crash at that intersection has injuries because of the high-speed road," Police Chief Deanna Strout said. "And it is usually a pretty decent collision there."

Resident Paul Tabone brought the item forward after hearing a significant crash from his home in Stonemill Condominiums at the end of August.

He has lived at the condos right next to the intersection for 14 years, seven full-time.

"Always noted the traffic. Didn't really pay much attention to things until we started living there regularly. A lot of near misses but specifically on the 26th of August, there was a direct contact," he said.

"I was not a witness to it. However, I was standing grabbing my coffee. I heard the bang, I got to the window, and watched both the pickup truck and this giant dump truck literally sliding into the intersection, of course, into Fox [Road]."

Tabone said one person was taken away in an ambulance and that "it’s a dicey spot even on a good day." He feels the intersection is poorly designed and drivers speed onto Housatonic Street to avoid going through the town center.

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