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Carr Hardware Advertising Campaign Wins Telly Award

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Carr Hardware's Dewitts Advertising Campaign, created by Clayson Creative, has won a GOLD place Telly Award for 2021 in the business to consumer category.
Clayson Creative/Carr Hardware "The Dewitts" campaign were among this year's winners that also included Jennifer Garner’s "Pretend Cooking Show" series, RadicalMedia’s "Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel" documentary series, Partizan’s "Fantastic Voyage" campaign.
"All the credit goes to Ryan and John at Clayson Creative and Carr’s marketing guru Amy," President of Carr Hardware Bart Raser said.
The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television across all screens. Campaigns are judged by the Telly Award Judging Council.
"Carr Hardware gets it," Chief Creative Officer and Owner of Clayson Creative Ryan Cowdrey said. "When you are creating a marketing campaign and spending a lot to get your name in front of customers, it’s so important to have memorable content. It’s silly enough to keep you laughing but smart enough to make you choose Carr Hardware every time."
According to a press release, the Dewitts, who are featured in the advertising Campaign, are the world’s worst Do-It-Yourselfers and are in constant need of help from the experts at Carr Hardware. 
See their latest videos here

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CBRSD School Committee OKs $36M Budget

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — The Central Berkshire Regional School Committee approved a gross final budget of $36,643,001 for fiscal 2026, an increase of 2.70 percent over this year. 
The biggest cause of the increase is from insurances. The district's active health insurance premiums increased by 16 percent; retirees had an increase of 20 percent, and a 3 percent increase in dental, said Gregory Boino, director of finance and operations.
Another large increase was for special education transportation costs, which increased $135,000, "and it's just to meet the actual expenditures where we're living right now," Boino said. 
The district's Special Education Out of District Tuition line decreased by $214,350 because students are aging out of those out-of-district placements, he said. 
The Finance Committee also decreased the other post-employment benefits, or OPEB, amount by $350,000, so next year, the district will be funding it with $50,000, Boino said. 
The Finance Committee discussed how there is a deep need for the community to petition the state to change Chapter 70 education aid and rural aid, School Committee member Paul Farella said prior to the budget update. 
"The way that they work makes it extremely difficult for us to make a budget that is fair to towns when you have some that have high percentages of assessment and others with negative it can create a sticky situation," he said.
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