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Carr Hardware Advertising Campaign Wins Telly Award

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Carr Hardware's Dewitts Advertising Campaign, created by Clayson Creative, has won a GOLD place Telly Award for 2021 in the business to consumer category.
Clayson Creative/Carr Hardware "The Dewitts" campaign were among this year's winners that also included Jennifer Garner’s "Pretend Cooking Show" series, RadicalMedia’s "Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel" documentary series, Partizan’s "Fantastic Voyage" campaign.
"All the credit goes to Ryan and John at Clayson Creative and Carr’s marketing guru Amy," President of Carr Hardware Bart Raser said.
The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television across all screens. Campaigns are judged by the Telly Award Judging Council.
"Carr Hardware gets it," Chief Creative Officer and Owner of Clayson Creative Ryan Cowdrey said. "When you are creating a marketing campaign and spending a lot to get your name in front of customers, it’s so important to have memorable content. It’s silly enough to keep you laughing but smart enough to make you choose Carr Hardware every time."
According to a press release, the Dewitts, who are featured in the advertising Campaign, are the world’s worst Do-It-Yourselfers and are in constant need of help from the experts at Carr Hardware. 
See their latest videos here

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Gov. Healey Touts Transportation Bill in Lenox

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

Gov. Healey speaks to the press on Tuesday at Lenox Town Hall after a closed meeting with town and state officials. 

LENOX, Mass. — Gov. Maura Healey believes Berkshire County deserves a "better deal" from the state than it has gotten for decades.

"I accepted on the outset that we need to do a better job as a state of making sure that we take care of Berkshire County and Western Massachusetts," she said, adding that she feels the state has not done this over time.

On Tuesday, she and other state officials touted the state's proposed $8 billion transportation plan that includes support for rural roads, culverts, and small bridges. The visit began at Lenox Town Hall with a roundtable closed to press and concluded at an overhauled culvert in Becket.

"We came here today to listen to our local officials, to listen to local communities," Healey said.

"…We know that roads and bridges are in need of repair and modernization, residents need better transportation, communities need better protection from severe wind and flooding, and ultimately, this region needs and deserves more attention and more investment from the state to these needs than ever before."

She claimed this is what the new transportation funding plan is all about.

The Healey-Driscoll administration has proposed an investment of $8.4 billion over the next years to put the state's transportation system on strong new foundations.

"This includes a 50 percent annual increase in Chapter 90 funding for local roads that would deliver greater equity for Western Mass communities, including the Berkshires, for example, a 62 percent increase for Lenox and I want to thank [Town Manager Jay Green] for serving on our Chapter 90 working group," Healey said.

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