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McCann Technical School senior Stephen Perreault poses with family after being presented the Superintendent's Award on Thursday.

McCann's Stephen Perreault Receives Superintendent's Award

By Jack GuerinoiBerkshires Staff
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Superintendent James Brosnan makes a socially distanced presentation of the award at the school on Thursday to Stephen Perrault.
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — McCann Technical School senior Stephen Perreault was recognized Thursday during a small socially distanced award ceremony and given the Superintendent's Award.
"It is nice to have a tribute in this room for one of our No. 1 students," Superintendent James Brosnan said. "We have a great deal of pride that we are able to present this award to you." 
Each year, superintendents across the state award one student with a Certificate of Academic Excellence, sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents.
Principal Justin Kratz said Perreault, an advanced manufacturing technology student, has a 4.37 grade-point average and is No. 1 in his class. He has enrolled in multiple Advanced Placement and honors courses and has taken advanced courses at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.
"We are so proud of your accomplishments," Kratz said. "You have been a model student here at McCann."
Kratz read some testimonials from Perreault's teachers:     
"He is the portrait of the model student. He is kind, polite and diligent ... he has a knack for critical thinking that is well above his peers."
"Last year, Stephen was a rock star in a period of remote learning that was not easy for students by any stretch."
"He has always been someone who steps up to challenges ... based on his time at McCann, he will be a strong member of any college campus, enterprise, or whatever field he chooses to enter. I am sure we are not done hearing about his accomplishments."  
"He will excel regardless of where he goes. He is one of the most respectful, hardworking students I have ever had. He is definitely deserving of this award."
AMT instructor Tom Matuszak, who attended the ceremony, said he was always impressed by Perreault and that he learned how to program a robot remotely.
"I am sure his future is bright," he said. "Wherever he goes they are lucky to have him." 
Kratz acknowledged Perreault's family and said they surely played their part in his success. 
"You have to be incredibly proud of him ... a big part of why he is standing here is because of the support he has at home and the upbringing you provided," he said. "It was a privilege to have him here for four years and we are incredibly proud of him."
Perreault said he hopes to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or Harvard.
He left some advice for other McCann students who may want to follow in his footsteps: don't be afraid to ask for help.
"If you are ever stuck on something all you have to do is say something," he said. "You just have to talk to a teacher they are all willing to help."

Tags: academic award,   McCann,   

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McCann Sets Aside Funding For MSBA Feasibility Study

By Jack GuerinoiBerkshires Staff
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The McCann School Committee voted to prepare $275,000 for a Massachusetts School Building Authority feasibility study if the school is accepted into repair program.
"I don't think it's going to cost what I'm asking for, but I don't want to screw around," Superintendent James Brosnan said Thursday at the School Committee meeting. "When we are at the end of October, we will want to move fast and already have that money authorized. Maybe that will move us up a little as opposed to someone who has not gotten that done."
In 2023 the school submitted a statement of interest to be included in the accelerated rehabilitation program, specifically to address the building's aging roof and inefficient single-pane windows.
Brosnan said representatives from the MSBA visited the school in August for a tour.
"Part of their due diligence, after they read all of these applications and check the facts, is that they come to a site survey," he said. "They came out, and we walked the entire building. They looked at the glass, and we walked all over the roof. It was very positive."
He said there are 71 applications in this program cycle, and the school will find out in October if it has been accepted.
"I don't know where it goes because they obviously can't tell me. I just happen to know there are 71 applications," he said. "That tells us a lot of other people are competing with us."
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