State Awards $11.1 Million in Climate Change Funding To Cities And Towns

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FITCHBURG, Mass. — Continuing investment in climate change resiliency, the Baker-Polito Administration announced $11.1 million in grants to cities and towns through the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program.
This announcement brings total state investment in climate change resilience through the MVP program to over $44 million since 2017. The popular grant and designation program provides communities with funding and technical support to identify climate hazards, develop strategies to improve resilience, and implement priority actions to adapt to climate change. The grants were announced by Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito in Fitchburg as part of the Baker-Polito Administration's celebration of Climate Week in the Commonwealth.
"Projects like those receiving awards today are not only critical for the resilience of our communities, but also create local jobs, contribute to the economy, and avoid future costs," Governor Charlie Baker said. "As we celebrate Climate Week, I am proud of the $44 million we've invested since 2017 through MVP, and we look forward to continuing the strong partnerships we've built with cities and towns to prepare for climate change impacts throughout the Commonwealth."
 "The continued success of the MVP program shows how important building resiliency in Massachusetts communities is to our municipal partners and residents," Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito said. "We are thrilled to reach 89 percent participation in this voluntary program and are excited to continue to invest in efforts to build climate resilience in the Commonwealth."
With this announcement, 89% of Massachusetts cities and towns, or 312 municipalities, are now enrolled in the MVP program, which pairs local leadership and knowledge with a significant investment of resources and funding from the Commonwealth to address ongoing climate change impacts like sea-level rise, inland flooding, storms, and extreme temperatures. The program was created was created in 2017 as part of Governor Baker's Executive Order 569.
The $11.1 million announced will go towards MVP Planning Grants and Action Grants. Planning Grants support communities in working with a state-certified technical assistance provider to lead a community-wide planning workshop to identify key climate-related hazards, vulnerabilities and strengths, develop adaptation actions, and prioritize next steps. Results of the workshops and planning efforts inform existing local plans, grant applications, and policies.
 Communities are then eligible for competitive MVP Action Grant funding to implement priority on-the-ground projects. Projects are focused on proactive strategies to address climate change impacts and may include retrofitting and adapting infrastructure, actions to invest in and protect environmental justice communities and improve public health, detailed vulnerability assessments or design and engineering studies, stormwater upgrades, dam retrofits and removals, culvert upgrades, drought mitigation, energy resilience, mosquito control initiatives, and that focus on implementing nature-based solutions such as wetland restoration and floodplain protection.
"In this fourth round of MVP Action Grants, we are seeing the continuation of many projects we helped fund in the planning stage that are now ready for on-the-ground implementation," Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides said. "We are pleased to see the hard work of our municipal partners pay off in this way and are also excited for the many new communities that are just starting to take action to build resilience to climate change through the MVP planning process."
The following communities will receive funding to complete the MVP planning process in 2020-2021:





MVP Program Region

Grant Award



















Berkshires & Hilltowns 




Berkshires & Hilltowns 




Greater Boston 




Berkshires & Hilltowns 




Greater Connecticut River Valley 




Greater Connecticut River Valley 




Berkshires & Hilltowns 




Greater Boston 








Greater Connecticut River Valley 



Mount Washington 

Berkshires & Hilltowns 



New Braintree 

Greater Connecticut River Valley 




Berkshires & Hilltowns 




Greater Connecticut River Valley 




Berkshires & Hilltowns 




Berkshires & Hilltowns 







West Brookfield

Greater Connecticut River Valley 




Berkshires & Hilltowns 




Greater Boston 




Greater Connecticut River Valley 







Total (26) 





The following communities were awarded Action Grants:



Project Title

Grant Award


Agawam Stormwater Master Plan 


Arlington & Resilient Mystic Collaborative 

Wicked Hot Mystic 


Athol & North Quabbin Community Coalition 

Lord Pond Plaza Improvement Project 



Leesville Pond Water Quality Protection and Community-Wide Resiliency Improvements 



Enhancing Water Supply Reliability: Resilient Water Storage and Water Conservation – Design & Implementation 



Resilient Community-Driven Master Plan + Resilient Regulatory Work 


Bolton, Harvard, & Devens 

Apple Country Ecological Climate Resiliency and Carbon Planning Assessment 



City of Boston Heat Resilience Planning Study 



Monatiquot River Restoration – Construction 


Cambridge & Metro Mayors 

Building Resilience to Climate Driven Heat in Metro Boston 



Urban Heat Island Mitigation Project 


East Longmeadow 

Comprehensive Master Plan 



Green Infrastructure Planning and Resiliency Design for Cherry Street 


Fall River, Dighton, Somerset, & Swansea 

Regional Emergency Water System Interconnectivity Analysis 



John Fitch Highway – A Resilient Road Corridor 



Resilient Regulatory Work and Refocusing on Climate Resilience Pathway in Master Plan 


Great Barrington 

Climate Action, Resilience, and Equity Great Barrington (CARE GB) 



Little River Dam Removal Feasibility Study 



Holyoke Urban Forest Equity Plan 


Lakeville, Middleborough, Freetown, Rochester, Taunton, & New Bedford 

Assawompset Ponds Complex Watershed Management and Climate Action Plan 



Flood Study and DPW Yard Adaptation Plan 



Monoosnoc Brook Bank Stabilization Project 


Lexington & Resilient Mystic Collaborative 

Upper Mystic River Watershed Regional Stormwater Wetlands  



Watershed Protection for Climate Resiliency- Brown's Woods Acquisition 



Claypit Brook Climate Resilience Stormwater Management Capital Improvement Plan 



Strawberry Brook Green Infrastructure Implementation 



Malden River Works 



Conceptualization and Community Building for Equitable, Community-Driven Resilience Hubs in Medford 



Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Milford Town Park 



Armory Village Green Infrastructure Project - Phase II 


Natick & Charles River Watershed 

Building Resilience Across the Charles River Watershed 



Resilient Critical Infrastructure: Adapting a Wastewater Treatment Facility, Underground Electric Lines, and Public Rail Trail to Future Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge 



Building a Municipal Resilience Portfolio: Assessment of Critical Land in the Winnetuxet River Corridor 



Permit Level Design of the Ryder Street Outfall Relocation and Drainage Improvements 



Coastal Resilience Feasibility Study for the Point of Pines and Riverside Area 



Resilient Rings Island: Preventing a Neighborhood from Being Stranded by Flooding 


South Hadley 

Climate Resilient South Hadley 



People-Focused Resilient Redesign and Retrofits for Community/Civic Infrastructure and Critical Facilities  


Stow & Hudson 

Assessing the Health of Lake Boon – A Key to Climate Resiliency in Stow & Hudson, MA – and Beyond 


Williamstown & Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership 

Mohawk Trail Woodland Partnership Forest Stewardship, Resilience, and Climate Adaptation 



River Road Site 1 Culvert 


Total (41)



MVP supports implementation of the State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan,released in September 2018, which provided a national model of integrating hazard mitigation priorities with forward-looking climate change data and solutions. The plan is implemented within state government by the Resilient MA Action Team, an inter-agency team led by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and staffed by designated Climate Change Coordinators from each Executive Office. The Resilient MA Action Team provides guidance and decision-making for Plan implementation, further refines priority actions, and ensures actions are integrated into agency practice and policy. The RMAT is also developing climate resilience standards and guidelines for state agencies and a project climate risk screening tool for the annual capital planning process and state-funded infrastructure grant programs to ensure that investments are climate-smart. These tools are anticipated to be launched on in early 2021.
"I am proud to be able to partner with the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Secretary Theoharides to promote the MVP program in the Worcester Middlesex District," State Senator Dean Tran said. “The grants issued under this program by the Baker-Polito Administration will tremendously assist cities and towns in planning for climate change resiliency and implementing priority projects."
"The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program is vital to helping cities and towns address climate change at the local level," State Rep. Natalie Higgins said. "I am excited that Leominster secured funding for the Monoosnoc Brook Bank Stabilization Project through the MVP Program this year."
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Dalton Water Crews Fixing Leak on North Street

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
DALTON, Mass. — It's been a busy couple of days for the Dalton Water Department's four-man crew who have been addressing a couple of water leaks. 
Drivers on North Street approaching the bridge will see the crew working with REWC Land Management, Inc. employees to locate a water main and repair the leak. 
Water Department Superintendent Bob Benlien emphasized that the leak is minor and does not affect any residents. He does not foresee having to turn the water off and expects it to be repaired by the end of the day. 
The leak was so minor that it did not appear in the department's flow chart, so it is less than 100 gallons a minute, he said. 
The likely cause is aging infrastructure as the pipe was installed in the 1930s, Benlien explained. 
The main thing is finding the pipe and the leak, which they are currently doing. The road has changed over time, and it looks like the pipe was moved when the bridge was built up so the department is searching for the pipe and leak now. 
The water main is located on a state road with a gas main within close proximity, so the department opted to contract  REWC because it has a vacuum excavation truck.
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