Letter: Will the Bell of Liberty Still Ring?

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To the Editor:

In recent times we have seen an all out effort to diminish freedom in America. We have seen the democratic process erode into a dictatorial presidency in which honor, humanity and dignity are forgotten words.

America is under attack abroad and at home. We have a president, Senate president and United States attorney general, along with others, that have and will continue to erode the safety and well being of this nation and planet.

Unfortunately, there is a United States Senate comprised mostly of Republican lambs whose primary goal is to get re-elected at all cost, and have essentially turned their cowardly backs away from their sworn pledge to represent all the people of this great country. Money, power, lobbyists, along with special interest continue to drive these politicians in Washington. Courage and honor are empty words in Congress these days.

The question now is simple, what are you and I going to do to change the destructive direction that the drivers of this nation are on?

Today, the bell of freedom still rings but appears to be losing it's strength. We can ill afford to sit back and do nothing.

Let us use our feet, words and the ballot box to rescue America! If we don't, then who will?

Best wishes to all, and please share these and your thoughts with friends, neighbors, and others who will head the call to rescue our nation.

Vincent Melito
North Adams, Mass.



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Big Y Investigates Conn. Skimmer Incident

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — Big Y supermarket discovered skimmers in two of its Connecticut stores last month. 
In a press release on Monday, the grocery chain said an unknown individual attached a skimming device to one single terminal in each of its Naugatuck and Plainville locations. The skimmers were found on June 29.
Skimmers are devices that are illegally installed over or inside card readers at places like convenience stores, fuel pumps and ATMs to steal information off the cards. The FBI estimates that skimming costs consumers and financial institutions more than $1 billion a year. 
"We are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding this incident, and we notified and are working with law enforcement. We have inspected all of our terminals, and continue to do so. If we learn that any particular customer's information was compromised, we will promptly notify them and provide them with additional information so that they can take steps to protect themselves," according to Jade Rivera- McFarlin, Big Y's manager of communications.
"As a best practice, customers should always review their bank and credit card statements for any signs of fraudulent activity and, if they have any questions or concerns, contact their bank or credit card company directly."
The FBI has some tips for keeping your card data safe here
If any Big Y customers have questions or concerns about this matter, they can call 1-800-828-2688 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
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