Adams Employee Spotlight : Dabrowski & Cunningham

By Jonathan ButlerAdams Town Administrator
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On the left is Officer Travis Cunningham, on the right is Officer Nick Dabrowski. They were highlighted by Town Administrator Jonathan Butler for going above and beyond their duty during a hostage situation in July.

Editor's Note: Every month Town Administrator Jonathan Butler will be highlighting a town employee(s) that have gone above the call of duty.

This month the honor goes to Police Officers Nick Dabrowski and Travis Cunningham for their working on
a hostage situation in July when police sought Matthew Slocum of Eagle Bridge, N.Y. in a multi-state manhunt. Slocum made only a brief stop in town but the two officers continued their efforts.

Additionally, the town received a letter from New York State Police Commander William Sprague thanking them for their work.

ADAMS, Mass. — For this month’s employee spotlight I wanted to highlight the efforts of Police Officers Nick Dabrowski and Travis Cunningham for the role they played in quickly apprehending an armed suspect on July 13, 2011, who was part of a national search via an Amber Alert.

The suspect was accused of murdering his family in New York, and was on the run with a female and a child. After being captured, these officers continued work on the case and were able to help with the securing of all stolen weapons and items relating to this case.

Fortunately, high profile cases such as these don’t often find their way through Adams, but in this instance the Town was well served through the efforts of Officers Dabrowski and Cunningham, as well as the rest of the staff at the Adams Police Department.

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Hoosac Valley Preparing For District Vote on $23M Budget

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
CHESHIRE, Mass. — The Hoosac Valley Regional School Committee on Monday night unanimously approved a document "strongly" endorsing the school district's fiscal 2025 budget.
"This budget is a fiscally responsible plan that keeps the increases well below inflation and focuses on maintaining the district's financial health without drastic cuts or tax hikes," the position paper reads. "Much of the increase is driven by unavoidable costs, including state mandates and necessary contractual costs, ensuring the district remains competitive as an employer and service provider."
The endorsement comes a week before a districtwide meeting that will vote the $23 million spending plan up or down. 
Cheshire rejected a Proposition 2 1/2 override last month that would have fully funded its portion of the budget and instead passed a motion that would level fund the town's fiscal 2025 school assessment. Adams had approved the budget in June. 
All registered voters from Cheshire and Adams, the two towns in the regional school district, will meet on Monday, Sept. 30, at 6:30 p.m. in the Hoosac Valley High auditorium to vote on the budget, the only item on the warrant. This will be a majority vote. 
A joint meeting of the School Committee and the select boards chose Thomas Bernard as moderator. Bernard, president of Berkshire United Way, is the former mayor of North Adams and was considered a neutral selection. 
"I've started to familiarize myself with the warrant and the relevant section of MGL, and I'm boning up on my Robert's Rules of Order just to make sure that we do everything as clearly and transparently as we can next Monday evening," Bernard told the committee Monday.
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