Woodlands Partnership Hosts Survey, Listening Sessions on Emergency Response

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WINDSOR, Mass. — The Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts is embarking on a public safety services study of the 21-town region with the Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

The Collins Center will focus on municipal services in the Woodlands Partnership region as they relate to increasing tourism, use and accessibility of public forests, diminished tax base, and the ability of first responders to provide emergency services.

Funded by a grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, the study is intended to provide towns with direction and support in receiving additional funds and identifying strategies for municipal financial sustainability, as well as inform state policy and procedure related to Payment-In-Lieu-of-Taxes (PILOT) on state-owned land and other programs.
Three listening sessions will be held for community members and emergency responders to provide feedback about experiences and suggestions for improvement. The sessions will be held:
  • Thursday, January 30, 2025, 6-7 pm by Zoom (online)
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 6-7 pm by Zoom or at Windsor Town Hall (hybrid)
  • Thursday, February 27, 2025, 6-7 pm by Zoom or at Shelburne Fire Dept (hybrid)
For more information and to learn how to attend, please visit woodlandspartnership.org/events. Can’t make it? Take the surveys here. First Responders: https://tinyurl.com/3vp3eat7; Community Members: https://tinyurl.com/bddvv52x. Email kconlin@newenglandforestry.org for a paper copy.
If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

Additional Stearns Staffers on Leave Amid 'De-escalation' Allegations

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

PITTSFIELD, Mass.— Additional Stearns Elementary School staff members have been placed on leave amid allegations of using a bathroom to "de-escalate" students.

On Monday, Principal Sara Luciani notified the school community "as our investigation continues and new information has been obtained, additional paraprofessionals assigned to Room 1 have been placed on administrative leave, effective Friday, March 7, 2025."

The Department of Children and Families and Pittsfield Public Schools are investigating, and the district is reviewing its protocols for de-escalation strategies.

Last week, Superintendent Joseph Curtis reported that on Feb. 26, Luciani received an allegation that Room 7 and Room 1 staff members were using a classroom bathroom in Room 7 as a place for students to de-escalate.

"Principal Luciani investigated immediately and then informed district administrators of this allegation," Curtis wrote.

"Based on the information provided to the district administration, a 51a report was filed immediately with the Department of Children and Families (DCF); the staff members allegedly involved in this practice to correct student behavior were placed on administrative leave on Friday, February 28, 2025."

At the time, the district had no information indicating that staff rooms other than Rooms 1 and 7 were involved in this practice. 

Luciani said on Monday that a full and accurate account of the events has not yet been determined because the investigations are ongoing.

"We take these allegations with the utmost seriousness and are committed to ensuring a thorough, transparent, and fair investigation," she wrote.

She reported that the administration will be conducting a staff meeting that day to provide a "thorough review" of district protocols regarding de-escalation strategies.

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