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The launch date was Dec 18, 2024.

BRTA Announces New Pilot Pittsfield Paratransit Evening Service

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) received funding from Massachusetts Department of Transportation for pilot evening Paratransit service through June 30, 2025. 
This pilot evening service is for BRTA Paratransit customers travelling to or from: Adams, North Adams, Williamstown, Cheshire, Lanesborough, New Ashford, Pittsfield, Dalton, Hinsdale, Lenox, Lee, Stockbridge, and Great Barrington, Monday – Saturday, 7 PM-10 PM. 
The launch date was Dec 18, 2024. 
This project aims to enhance and expand the ability for eligible BRTA Paratransit customers, that require an accessible vehicle for travel in the evenings to destinations within these communities. 
To book transportation, call (413) 499-2782 extension 3. 

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Lenox Fire Douses Garage Blaze, Cause Under Investigation

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff
LENOX, Mass. — Firefighters made swift work of a garage fire that could have turned into a conflagration on Friday morning. 
The report of smoke in the area of 5 Crystal St. came in at 10:51 a.m. According scanner reports, the owner alerted authorities that the fire was in a garage behind the home and at least 20 gallons of waste oil was on the premises. 
Fire Chief Chris O'Brien said the fire was brought under control and extinguished within 30 minutes. 
The windy conditions didn't hamper firefighters' efforts.
"We didn’t run into any trouble — we are experiencing oil in the runoff," said O'Brien. "I just got off phone with MassDEP, they are on their way."
Waste oil is highly flammable and can produce toxic fumes. Reportedly, some vehicle work had been done in the garage. 
The cause of the blaze is being investigated and the state Department of Environmental Protection will be assessing the runoff. 
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