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Found 1346 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Dalton Elections See High Turn Out; Select Board...

More than 800 residents cast their votes during Monday's town elections, resulting in Select Board incumbent Robert Bishop retaining his seat.

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ConCom Sends Enforcement Order to Pittsfield Country...

Last week, the panel ratified an enforcement order for unauthorized land disturbance and vegetation removal within bordering land subject to flooding, bordering vegetated wetlands, inland bank, and buffer zones.

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North Adams Planners Renew Brewery Permit, Ask Legal...

One long gestating project is expected to be completed this year but another one has been delayed yet again for a legal opinion.

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Clarksburg Voters to Elect Town Officers on Tuesday

The three candidates for Select Board discussed their visions and qualifications last Monday at a forum sponsored by the Council on Aging at the Community Center.

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BCC Concludes 'Breaking Barriers' Project

Faculty, staff and alums contribute videos describing how they cope with disabilities Participants honored at luncheon, meet-and-greet

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Downtown Pittsfield Inc. Celebrates a Bustling 2023

DPI held its annual meeting at the Berkshire Museum on Thursday, touting the 17 businesses welcomed to the downtown in 2023 and six so far this year.

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Dalton Zoning Board OKs Conversion of Zip's Bar into...

The Zoning Board of Appeals on Tuesday approved the conversion of the former Zip's Bar & Billiards into four apartments.

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Williamstown Planners OK Preliminary Habitat Plan

The Planning Board on Tuesday agreed in principle to most of the waivers sought by Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity to build five homes on a Summer Street parcel.

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Drury Revives Senior Citizens Prom

Scheduled for May 14 from 5–7PM in the Drury cafeteria, this event welcomes individuals of all ages to join in the festivities.

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Pittsfield Community Development OKs Airport Project,...

The Community Development Board has supported plans for a new hangar at the airport and a change to the cannabis ordinance.

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1Berkshire Announces Technical Assistance Offerings

Going into the Spring/Summer of 2024, the series continues with the next two cohorts: "Jumpstarting Your Crowdfunding Campaign" with Laura Christensen, and "Be Press Ready" with Cathy Husid.

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Pittsfield Health Board Continues Mosquito Plan...

The panel continued its vote on the 2024 mosquito control plan during its regular meeting on Wednesday, two days after a public hearing with divided input on adulticide spraying.

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Lanesborough FinCom Chair Resigns After Warrant...

Chair Jodi-Lee Szczepaniak-Locke officially resigned on Monday and the panel decided that Vice Chair Stephen Wentworth would assume leadership for the time being.

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Dalton OKs $22M Budget; Tables Concrete Sidewalk...

Voters approved all but one of the 22 articles on the warrant at the annual town meeting on Monday night at Wahconah Regional High School.

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Dalton Green Committee Recommends Consultant for...

The Green Committee overwhelmingly recommended having Blue Strike Environmental as the town's consultant for its Climate Action Plan during its meeting on Monday.

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Simon's Rock Welcome Alum as Commencement Speaker

Simon's Rock alum Michael Lawrence will address graduates at the 55th Commencement ceremony of Bard College at Simon's Rock on Saturday, May 18, at 11 a.m.

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Dalton Town Meeting May 6 Preview

Voters at the annual town meeting on Monday, May 6, will decide 22 articles, including articles on sidewalks and the authorization of a number of spending articles, including an approximate $22 million budget.

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Special Minerals Agrees to Pay Adams, River Groups...

Specialty Minerals is expected to pay $299,000 for a discharge of calcium carbonate into the Hoosic River nearly three years ago in a consent decree with the Attorney General's Office.

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May 4 is Wildfire Community Preparedness Day

Wildland Fires Can Extend to Homes, Fire Service Leaders Say

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