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Found 1346 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Berkshire Humane Society 'Dreams Big' With Service...

The Berkshire Humane Society has launched a "Forever Family" campaign to expand its space at 214 Barker Road and its service to animals.

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College Notes: Summer 2022

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Mount Greylock School Committee OKs Selection Process...

The district has been discussing the project in various iterations since shortly after it began moving forward with an addition/renovation project at the middle/high school that concluded in 2018.

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Two Mount Greylock High School Students Awarded BWPCC...

The Berkshire Wind Power Cooperative Corporation (BWPCC) has Maisie Dufour and Rosario Larios Sontay from the Mount Greylock Regional High School class of 2022 to receive $1,000 scholarships.

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Pittsfield Allocates $8.6M in ARPA Funds for Housing...

The allocation will fund the construction of 37 new permanent supportive housing units and 41 new affordable housing units in the city.

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Pittsfield Street Improvement Project Schedule for...

work will take place July 18-21, as part of the city of Pittsfield’s 2022 Street Improvement Project.

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