The final stretch of the holidays is upon us. Schools are closing, stores are filling up, and families are scrounging for activities to keep their family entertained. Here are some holiday installations to put a glimmer in your eyes.
Among the takeaways is the importance of "agile" and flexible classrooms, security, outdoor connectivity, professional space, welcoming arrivals and breakout areas.
Staff from departments organization-wide gathered nine boxes packed with hams, turkeys, stuffing mix, canned vegetables, breakfast items, pie-making ingredients, cookie mixes, and much more. The boxes will be delivered to nine families through DCF
The 1Berkshire Youth Leadership Program, open to all current sophomores in the Berkshires, selects a cohort of up to 30 motivated students from all backgrounds for this ten-month experience that will help them to explore the regional economy and develop their leadership skills.
The changes addressed gender-neutral language, outdated items that no longer apply to the city, and occurrences of redundancy. A number of items were also tabled to collect more information.
Shared estates operate several other lodging locations in the county, including The Playhouse in Lee and The Kemble in Lenox. Dus said they expect lodging at the Glen to be in operation by late 2024.
On Dec. 9, 2022, Macko left his home to meet the presumed child in North Adams at Natural Bridge State Park, where he was encountered by law enforcement and arrested.
The Baker-Polito Administration announced $93.4 million in direct funding and $33 million in state and federal housing tax credits to support the development of 790 housing units across 14 projects
The board spoke with Blake Mensing and Jay Jones of JMJ Holdings on Monday to discuss several concerns with the condition of the Berkshire Mall Property, including the fire system, water system and the building's roof.