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Found 1346 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Williamstown Neighbors Not Satisfied with Habitat...

Christopher Bolton joined several residents who live near the planned subdivision in saying that Habitat has been unresponsive to the concerns raised by those neighbors.

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Letter: Open Letter to Flag Petitioner

I would be delighted to have a conversation with you and your friends. We can do it in person, my preference, or on Facebook.

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Pittsfield Council Sees $808K in Community...

The City Council last week saw 11 Community Preservation Act funding allocations totaling $808,547.

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Dalton Lift Still in Limbo; ADA Picnic Tables Coming

According to Hill Engineering, Town Hall could install a vertical lift in the Police Department's closet and go up into the town account's office. However, no one wants to give up the closet or office, she said.

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Berkshire Planning Commission Approves 'Conservative'...

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission has a "conservative" budget for fiscal year 2025 with a nearly 6 percent increase.

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Mass MoCA Commission Approves Mental Health Practices...

The Mass MoCA Commission on Thursday approved three new tenants for Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art.

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Adams Housing Authority Rededicates McAndrews...

Residents of the senior living facility gathered in the new community room on Wednesday to rededicate it to James McAndrew and welcome Housing Secretary Edward Augustus.

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2nd Street Seeks Submissions for Literary Project

Authors of published works receive$200 cash award

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ServiceNet Cuts Ribbon on Vocational Farm to 'Sow...

Whether it is planting flowers or growing fresh produce, the program is for "sowing seeds of hope" for those with developmental disabilities.

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North Adams Finance Committee Endorses Additional...

But not enough for Finance Committee member Andrew Fitch, who voted against the compensation and classification plan because it did not include a city planner.

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CATA Adds New Staff and Board Members

CATA hires Kelly Rybczyk as Development Director and Bailey Girvan as Associate Director of Development; appoints new board members Will Osborne, Bryan House, and Terry Coughlin

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Neal Secures $700,000 for North Adams Flood Chutes...

The Corps of Engineers is in the midst of a three-year, $3 million study of the aging concrete flood chutes that control the passage of the river through the city.

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Mount Greylock Super Asks for Cell Phone Ban

Jason McCandless last Thursday told the committee that his thinking about personal electronic devices in schools has evolved over the last year.

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Hoffmann Bird Club: Bobolink Trip to Field Farm

The walk starts at 7 am.

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Berkshire County Historical Society Awarded Grants

These grants will be used to replace lost historic louvered shutters to Herman Melville's historic home Arrowhead.

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Lee Chamber Seeks Volunteers for Main Street...

On Thursday, May 23, the Chamber plans to hang flower baskets sourced from Clark's Nursery on lamp posts along the main thoroughfare.

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Williamstown Officials Mull ARPA Funds to Address...

The Select Board on Monday considered dedicating some of the town's remaining ARPA funds to address an emergency situation in the local public schools.

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Berkshire Housing Woes Heard at State Listening...

Around 100 local officials, business and community leaders and residents attended the session that will help fuel the state's five-year housing plan.

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Housing Secretary Makes Adams Housing Authority No. 40...

The state's new secretary of housing got a bit of a rock-star welcome on Wednesday morning as Adams Housing Authority residents, board members and staff lined up to get their picture taken with him.

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Dalton Fire District Votes OK All Articles, Return...

Voters approved all 22 articles on the warrant unanimously at the annual Fire District meeting on Tuesday night at the Stationery Factory.

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