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Found 1345 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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SVMC Staff Share the Holiday Spirit with Foster...

Staff from departments organization-wide gathered nine boxes packed with hams, turkeys, stuffing mix, canned vegetables, breakfast items, pie-making ingredients, cookie mixes, and much more. The boxes will be delivered to nine families through DCF

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1Berkshire Accepting Applications for 2023-2024 Youth...

The 1Berkshire Youth Leadership Program, open to all current sophomores in the Berkshires, selects a cohort of up to 30 motivated students from all backgrounds for this ten-month experience that will help them to explore the regional economy and develop their leadership skills.

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Pittsfield Committee Begins Review of City Code

The changes addressed gender-neutral language, outdated items that no longer apply to the city, and occurrences of redundancy. A number of items were also tabled to collect more information.

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Pittsfield Council Sees 3rd Quarter ARPA Spending

About $1.6 million in American Rescue Plan Act expenditures were made from July to September, with 59 percent going toward infrastructure projects.

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Pittsfield Council Supports Saw Mill Property...

Ward 4 Councilor James Conant described this as a "once in a lifetime opportunity" that will be well received by residents.

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Pittsfield School Building Needs Panel Looks to...

The district has reached out to the 20 contractors who solicited the proposal and asked why they chose not to make a submission.

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Adams Selectmen Approve Development for Greylock Glen...

Shared estates operate several other lodging locations in the county, including The Playhouse in Lee and The Kemble in Lenox. Dus said they expect lodging at the Glen to be in operation by late 2024.

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Construct Closes on Windflower Inn to Expand Workforce...

The historic 10.5 acres property, built in 1850, at 684 South Egremont Road, will help local businesses find housing for their staff.

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Williamstown Select Board Looking at Short-Term...

But several members on Monday indicated that they doubt the work can be completed in time for approval by May's annual town meeting.

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Pittsfield CPA Committee Deems Eight Projects Eligible

The total ask of around $709,000 includes historic preservation, open space and recreation, and community housing projects.

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Mount Greylock District Plan Looks to Serve Every...

McCandless provided the committee with a wide-ranging update on the district improvement plan he implemented last year.

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Clark Art Exhibition of 18th Century French Drawings

These works of art span the domains of natural history, current events, theater design, landscape, and portraiture.

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North Adams Man Charged for Attempted Sex With Child

On Dec. 9, 2022, Macko left his home to meet the presumed child in North Adams at Natural Bridge State Park, where he was encountered by law enforcement and arrested.

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Pittsfield, Williamstown Developments to Receive...

The Baker-Polito Administration announced $93.4 million in direct funding and $33 million in state and federal housing tax credits to support the development of 790 housing units across 14 projects

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Lanesborough Approves Further Negotiations for Mall...

The board spoke with Blake Mensing and Jay Jones of JMJ Holdings on Monday to discuss several concerns with the condition of the Berkshire Mall Property, including the fire system, water system and the building's roof.

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McCann Senior Christopher Sunn Wins Superintendents...

Sunn, a senior in the school's Computer Aided Design program, is a straight-A student with a 4.4 GPA. When he graduates, Sunn plans to attend UMass Amherst, where he will study engineering.

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Williams College Lays Out Concepts for Potential...

A project manager from the college and an associate planner from Boston design firm Sasaki Associates gave a presentation on Tuesday to the town's Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee.

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Local Leaders Advocate for Berkshires Inclusion in...

The panel heard testimony about how the rail service is crucial to economic development and statewide accessibility for residents. There was also a wealth of support for taking the connection across state lines to Albany, N.Y.

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MassDOT Seeking Funds for Corridor Improvements...

The application seeks more than $108 million for corridor infrastructure projects planned under the "Connecting the Commonwealth: Early Actions for the Inland Route Project."

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Berkshire County Towns Receive Community Planning...

Egremont received a $54,000 grant to delineate and map new zones or overlay districts, draft new or update existing zoning bylaws, and gain public support/acceptance of same, in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan.

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