Prudential Committee Chair David Moresi mentioned the move during his report to the annual fire district meeting on Tuesday at Williamstown Elementary School.
The Selectmen last week voted to recommend the Hoosac Valley Regional School District's $21 million budget after some pressure on school officials to defend the spending plan.
The expanded facility includes a new infant room, an additional toddler room, an expanded preschool area, a science, technology, arts and math (STEAM) space, and a gross motor skills space.
The Board of Water Commissioners is meeting in executive session at 4 p.m. on Monday to discuss an employee matter not dealing with professional competence.
In separate sessions with the Conservation Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, fire district officials got the OK for a "cut and fill" project that will raise the grade of the area planned for construction to bring it roughly to the same elevation as Main Street (Route 2).
The Clark is one of a small number of institutions globally that is both an art museum and a center for research, critical discussion, and higher education in the visual arts.
In order to give residents a chance to try out the town's new electronic voting devices on a low-stakes question, meeting organizers devised a couple of sample questions to kick off the meeting.
The elements of the design plan have been reviewed over a number of meetings; Tuesday's unanimous vote means the entire package can now be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority.
Town meeting Tuesday rejected a bylaw amendment that would have removed barriers to manufactured housing, endorsed the use of electronic voting devices at the meeting and chose to take no action on a bylaw change that would have required dogs to be leashed in public areas.