This winter, the chair of the trustees made a direct appeal to the Select Board and Finance Committee to shine a light on the disparity between how the town paid its library employees versus how it pays other town employees.
The school received a $3.1 million state Skills Capital Grant to provide training HVAC. This will cover the construction of the building and the development of the program.
This year Elliot raised $2,020 in donations and sales for the organization dedicated to "brightening the lives of children battling cancer, and their families."
Even during the pandemic, the local film industry was flourishing, the trio said. Between them, they have worked on four feature films since fall 2021, two of which have had recent 2023 world premieres at Sundance and Tribeca film festivals.
About 200 children are attending the district's 21st Century Program through July, and new activities include internships for high school students. The programs are funded largely through grant funding, including 21st Century and special education grants.
The NAPS School Building Committee is seeking community feedback about the options being considered and strongly encourages all community members to participate in the survey so their input can be included.
The town has an intermunicipal agreement with North Adams to take its waste for processing at the Hoosac Water Quality District, which is a shared operation of North Adams and Williamstown.
The Select Board was given updates on a variety of projects and bids during its meeting on Monday night including, the Bardin Property bid, sidewalk repairs, and Town Hall renovations.
The North County Cares Coalition, made up of residents and former employees at the hospital, advocated at first weekly and, as time went on, every anniversary since 2014 to keep the idea of the hospital alive.
Fenn was before the Select Board on Monday to ask Williamstown to take the first step in exploring that new approach: converting non-recyclables at the local level to produce hydrogen for fuel and industrial grade limestone.