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Found 1345 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Williamstown's CARES Study on Track for June 30 Report

Social workers Abigail Reifsnyder and Kerri Nicoll appeared before the board to give it an update on the Community Assessment and Research, or CARES, project that launched in 2021 with the hope of an 18-month turnaround.

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Adams Board Seeking $1.35M in Community Block Grant...

The Board of Selectmen approved a $1.35 million application for federal Community Development Block Grants to fund road repairs and housing rehabilitation.

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Clark Art Lecture on Promises and Risks of...

The talk takes place in the Clark's auditorium and is free and open to the public. A reception in the Manton Research Center reading room at 5 pm precedes the program.

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Pittsfield Council Grants Optics Company $250K in...

The City Council granted Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc. $250,000 in Pittsfield Economic Development Funds on Tuesday — but not without debate from two councilors.

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Williamstown Fire Station Cut Down in Size

The Building Committee on Wednesday was informed that progress had been made in reducing the size of the 27,218 structure to also reduce the cost.

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Eversource Seeking Federal Funds for Pittsfield...

Eversource is seeking federal funds to develop Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in the city. The clean energy system is also referred to as "smart metering."

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Dalton Police Department Getting Tasers With ARPA...

The board voted to approve the Police Department's request for $53,000 to replace their tasers using American Rescue Plan Act funds.

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$10 Million Site 9 Redevelopment Now Fully Funded

The project will go out to bid in the spring with an expectation of construction beginning over the summer. Substantial completion could be seen in 2024.

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Southern Berkshire Regional Residents Express Merger...

Southern Berkshire community members expressed their apprehension for the potential merger between Southern Berkshire Regional School District and Berkshire Hills Regional School District.

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North Adams Planners Push Off 3 Business Changes to...

The Planning Board pushed three communications on their agenda to the next month to give citizens a chance to speak to the proposed business changes.

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Clark Art Kids Week

Every day of Kids' Week, visitors can pick up a set of complimentary colored pencils at the Admissions desk, along with one of the always-available drawing pads.

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Williamstown Select Board Allocates ARPA Funds to Fire...

The Select Board on Monday voted to allocate $225,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds to the Williamstown Fire District's new station building project.

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Lanesborough to Vote on Public Safety Building in Two...

Police Station Building Committee Chair Kristen Tool told the Select Board on Monday that it is important to have the special meeting at this time to secure funding for the nearly $6 million build at 405 South Main St.

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Central Berkshire Regional Eyes 3% Budget Increase

The School Committee on Thursday gave initial approval to an operating budget of $30,078,694 that is up 3.42 percent, or $994,646, from this year's $29,084,048.

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First Congregational Church 'Share the Love' Returns...

For every $100 received, FCCNA will donate $25. All proceeds will be split evenly among the three recipient organizations.

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After 'Spirited' Debate, Williamstown CPC Sends 5...

Menicocci inherited the trail and the bill when he arrived at Town Hall in July 2022, when the trail was substantially completed.

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Berkshire County Historical Melville Fellows To...

The free readings take place at the Berkshire Athenaeum at 5:30 pm; reservations are not required. In addition, both fellows will present original artwork inspired by their time at Melville's home.

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Adams Eyes Park Street Reconstruction, Future Paving...

About half would be done with Community Development Block Grants, which the town will be applying for in March. The work on Park Street and along Columbia Street is estimated at $800,000 and will be funded through state funds including Chapter 90.

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1Berkshire Receives Regional Economic Development...

This funding is made available because of statewide investments made by the Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD) and the support of the Berkshire County Legislative Delegation.

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Mount Greylock Sending Field Project Bonding Question...

In a vote of 6-1, the committee voted to ask voters in Lanesborough and Williamstown to approve up to $1.8 million in borrowing toward what is currently estimated to be a $4.125 million project.

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