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Found 1345 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Red Shirt Farm Expanding With Store/Commercial Kitchen...

Owner Jim Schultz detailed Red Shirt's organic, regenerative farming practices, low carbon footprint operations, and dedication to food access that led to building a store.

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Lanesborough Bridge Closed for Next Year

The 20-foot span on Bridge Street was ordered closed by the Department of Transportation at 9 a.m. on Friday, based on an inspection conducted Thursday that identified further structural issues and holes.

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Weekend Outlook: Live Music, Festivals, and More

ThunderFest is an annual outdoor festival celebrating the historic Thunderbolt Trail and Race. The event runs from noon until 5 p.m. on Saturday.

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Glen Campground Presentation Focuses on Economics,...

The developer for the Greylock Glen campground pitched the plans on Thursday night as not only a economic driver that can bring the town millions in revenue but a project that will be built on accessibility, sustainability and community.

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Adams Theater Announces 2023 Season

Community members and visitors are invited to come see how construction has progressed in the theater.

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North Adams Airport Hangar Project Price Increase

Engineer Peter Enzien gave his report to the commission Tuesday and noted that the hangar project will be a little more costly than originally anticipated with a new estimate of $642,000.

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Pittsfield Parks Commission OKs Pickleball Facility...

Users will be welcomed by a plaza area that has a bike rack, a trash can, and possibly a bulletin board kiosk. It will be fully accessible from the 23-space parking lot with three handicapped-accessible spots.

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Greylock Glen Campground Developer Holding Public...

The developers chosen for the Greylock Glen camping area are holding a public forum on Thursday, March 22, at 5:30 p.m. at the former St. Mark's Church on Commercial Street.

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Dalton Town Hall Renovations On Time, On Budget

The building was expected to be completely sealed by this past Tuesday and workers will also be setting up the staging in the opera house, or attic area, to commence work there.

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Structurally Deficient Brown Street Bridge Closed in...

The 26-foot steel structure's poor condition is well known and it was listed with 19 other bridges in the Berkshires requiring repairs or replacement using funding from the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Act.

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Adams Reviewing $17.5M Budget for Fiscal 2024

The total budget for next year is estimated at $17,463,948, up about $476,975, or 2.8 percent over this year. The main drivers of this increase are hikes in health insurance, contractual obligations, the operations of the wastewater system, and operating expenses.

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Agriculture Counts: March 2023

This is a monthly column from the Northeastern Regional Field Office of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Construction Grant Changes No Longer Align with...

This grant round is really no longer a renovation program, library Director Alex Reczkowski said during a trustees meeting last week.

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Williamstown Town Manager Details Reasons for Trail...

The town is on the hook for that $1.3 million, which exceeds the 10 percent contingency that MassDOT built into the budget for a multimodal trail bid at around $5.3 million.

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Lanesborough's New Administrator Brings Federal...

Gina Dario came into the position about a month ago — in time for the town's anticipated public safety complex vote and budget season — and has jumped right into municipal government.

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Pittsfield Airport Projects Still Underway Despite...

Oak Leaf Energy Partners has been working to resolve a couple of challenges it ran into for the Earhart Solar Project near the Pittsfield Municipal Airport.

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Berkshire Athenaeum Seeks to Expand Social Support...

The Berkshire Athenaeum has been doing working on providing a lot of advocacy for more social support in the library, Director Alex Reczkowski said during the meeting last week

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Pittsfield Affordable Housing Trust Looks to Resources

Established last year with an initial $500,000, the Affordable Housing Trust soon expects to see additional resources to aid its mission.

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North Adams Planners OK Dirt Track Changes Over...

Supporters say the track has provided an outlet for local families, provided training time for youngsters and has had a beneficial economic impact on the city.

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