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Found 1346 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Bear Conflicts are Expected to Increase in June

The department has seen increasing bear conflicts between May and June over the past several years.

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Pittsfield Finance Committee Supports Bousquet Sport...

A majority of the finance subcommittee feels that a $15 million renovation on the former Berkshire West will be a benefit to the city.

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Protect Grassland Birds by Mowing Later

Landowners can make a difference by altering the times of year they mow fields.

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Awards & Scholarships for the Hoosac Valley High Class...

The following awards and scholarships were presented to the Hoosac Valley High School class of 2023.

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Weekend Outlook: Festivals, Concerts, and More

Berkshire County is having a variety of events this weekend including festivals, concerts, and more.

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Top Students Announced for Hoosac Valley Class of 2023

Hoosac Valley High School has named Kathryn Scholz and Tia Kareh as the valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, of the class of 2023.

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Dalton Expects July Delivery of Ladder Truck

The Fire District is projected to have its new ladder truck delivered in five weeks, the interim Fire Chief Chris Cachat said during the Fire District meeting on Tuesday night.

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Pittsfield to Create Cultural Plan with National...

This is one of 57 grants nationwide, totaling $4,175,000, that the NEA has recently announced in the Our Town category.

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Williamstown Conservation OKs Five Corners Roundabout...

The Conservation Commission last week gave the green light to a long-discussed roundabout for the Five Corners intersection in South Williamstown.

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Pittsfield Sees Significant Spending of ARPA Funds in...

Fifty percent ($2.1 million) funded negative economic impacts, 32 percent ($1.4 million) public health, and 15 percent (about $682,000) infrastructure.

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Governor to Compete for Federal Grants for Clean...

The Department of Energy Resources submitted an application to the U.S. Department of Energy's Grid Innovation Program (GIP) for the innovative Cleaner Grid New England Project (CGNE Project) in partnership with Eversource and National Grid.

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Pittsfield Kiwanis Gifts Newborn Safety Kits to BMC's...

These kits include outlet covers, a rubber duck that ensure that bath water is at the right temperature, and pamphlets with tips for new mothers after being discharged from the hospital.

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Planners Hope to Break Ground on Pittsfield's Site 9...

On Wednesday, the Pittsfield Economic Development Authority received an update from the project consultants.

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Adams Theater to Host Majesty of the Berkshires Pride...

Created and presented by Bella Santarella and hosted by Shawn Hollenbach, the night's festivities will include a competition, with the winner being crowned the Majesty of the Berkshires and receiving a one-year reign as the leader of the Berkshire County LGBTQIA+ community.

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North Adams Appoints New City Clerk

Leonesio was hired last September as assistant clerk and has been acting clerk over the last several weeks since the departure of Joshua Vallieres.

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Images Cinema to Show Ukrainian Film 'The Guide'

Images Cinema will host a special screening of "The Guide" on May 30 at 7:30 p.m.

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Williamstown Fire District Moving to Acquire New OPM...

Prudential Committee Chair David Moresi mentioned the move during his report to the annual fire district meeting on Tuesday at Williamstown Elementary School.

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Adams Increases Transfer Station, Cemetery Fees

The Selectmen last week voted to raise fees at the transfer station and to implement cemetery fees first proposed two years ago.

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Pittsfield Panel Recommends GE Funds for PathogenX

A medical waste company is seeking GE economic development funds to move its operations to the city and expand.

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