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Found 1346 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Pittsfield Historical Commission OKs Demos for...

The Christian Center plans to demolish two deteriorated buildings on its property to expand its footprint for increased community service.

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MassDOT Takes on Clarksburg Bridge Project

It's been informed that the state Department of Transportation is taking over the Cross Road bridge project.

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Lanesborough Passes Budget, Mount Greylock Articles &...

Town meeting on Tuesday approved an $11 million budget for fiscal 2024 and authorized the borrowing of $800,000 for the track at Mount Greylock Regional School.

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North Adams Council Approved $47M Spending Plan for...

The spending plan at $47,410,070 is up $2,873,335, or 6.45 percent, over this year's budget.

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Adams' Jones Block Finally Ready for Tenants After 3...

Owner and developer David LaBorde hosted an open house on Friday night to show off the newly completed apartments on the second and third floors.

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Lee Bank Opening Pittsfield Location

Construction began on the project in April of 2022, although conversations regarding the evolving needs of the downtown Pittsfield community, began several years prior to breaking ground.

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Mount Greylock School Committee Approves Contracts,...

The votes are contingent on ratification by the district's teachers, support staff and cafeteria workers.

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Clark Art Book Talk: 'Daughter of Spies'

The event takes place in the Clark's auditorium, located in the Manton Research Center.

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Pittsfield Parks Commission Visits Site of Proposed...

The proposed location is next to the Chestnut seed orchard.

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Berkshire Economic Recovery Program Announces...

The Berkshire Economic Recovery Program Technical Assistance series has been able to support more than 80 businesses through targeted training offerings, resulting in notable business improvements, and quantified by the over $800,000 in funding collectively accessed by businesses through their participation.

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Lanesborough Public Safety Committee to Query...

The Public Safety Building Committee wants to know specifics of why residents voted down the nearly $6 million dollar police and EMS complex in March.

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Pittsfield to Host Public meeting on the Wahconah Park...

This meeting will take place at the Berkshire Athenaeum located at 1 Wendell Avenue in the auditorium.

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Adams Town Meeting Passes $17.6M Budget, Greylock Glen...

own meeting members on Wednesday passed all articles on the warrant during an almost three-hour-long meeting, including a $17.5 million budget and the transfer of $150,000 from stabilization to lower the tax rate.

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McCann Tech Graduates Lauded for Commitment, Kindness

The diploma presentation was a noisy affair as family and friends cheered and stomped their feet on the bleachers in the Amsler Campus Center at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts as the 123 graduates applauded each every classmate on Wednesday night.

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Pittsfield CPA Committee Supports Out of Cycle...

On Monday, the panel approved a $10,000 allocation of Community Preservation Act monies for Berkshire Historical Society to repair a chimney that is compromising the former home of author Herman Melville.

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A New Holmes Road Bridge is Near, MassDOT Tells...

An informational meeting was held Tuesday evening for community members to receive an update on the project that has caused grief to the surrounding area for several years.

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Dalton Begins Negotiations for Solar Alternative...

If Citizens Energy signs up for the state program, Eversource is told that it can allocate credits to the certain list of customers that Citizens Energy anchors.

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Letter: Town Meeting Members Should Re-evaluate Glen...

We urge Town Meeting Members to remember their fiduciary responsibilities to residents and taxpayers of the Town of Adams as you reflect upon the potential negative impact the current Greylock Glen project can have on the town's bottom line from now and into the future.

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Community Speaks on Pittsfield Public School's...

The School Department held the first of three public engagement meetings on last week at Morningside Community School.

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Pittsfield High School Class of 2023 Scholarships &...

The following awards and scholarships were presented to the Pittsfield High School class of 2023.

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