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Found 1345 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Governor Releases Readiness Plan to Protect Against...

In total, the ResilientMass plan details 142 actions across state agencies.

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Countywide Digital Equity Project Studies Pittsfield...

Pittsfield is the first of 14 local communities to participate in the digital equity planning project through the Massachusetts Broadband Institute and the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission.

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Williamstown Con Comm Clears College Field House Demo

The college was before the panel to request a negative determination of applicability under the Wetlands Protection Act for the demolition project near Christmas Brook.

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Volunteer Fair at the Adams Theater

The Adams Theater is located at 27 Park Street in Adams.

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Weekend Outlook: Festivals, Haunted Houses, and More

There will be a variety of events in the Berkshires this weekend including festivals, haunted houses, and a picnic.

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North Adams Building Committee Recommends New $61M...

That recommendation will be taken up by the full School Committee on Oct. 17 in anticipation of a submission of the city's preferred option to the Massachusetts School Building Commission's Facilities Assessment subcommittee.

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South County School Merger Advocates Make Their Case

School officials in the Southern Berkshire and Berkshire Hills Regional School Districts are hoping voters in their member towns will make history later this month.

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Greylock Glen Development Hitting Milestones

So far the $8.3 million project has had only about $150,000 in change orders, some for higher prices in materials, particularly the cedar shakes.

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Great Barrington Invites CPA Funding Applications

The CPA provides grant funding for affordable housing, historic preservation, open space, and recreation projects within Great Barrington. Applications are open to anyone with a qualifying, eligible, project.

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SVHC Weekly Health Update: Oct. 6

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Dalton Weighs Fitch-Hoose House Repainting Options

The Historical Commission is reviewing financing options so that it can repaint the Fitch-Hoose House museum.

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Herberg Students Acknowledge Mohican Land with Plaque

Last week, a land acknowledgment plaque was installed on the school just in time for Indigenous Peoples' Day. The effort stemmed from an eighth-grade civics project and has spanned over a couple of years.

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Commission Formed to Accelerate Siting and Permitting...

To meet the emissions limits outlined in the Clean Energy and Climate Plans (CECP), Massachusetts will need to site a significant amount of new energy infrastructure, including new solar and wind generation, storage, transmission, and distribution infrastructure.

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Clarksburg School Applying for Safe Routes Grant

The school is a town hub and the goal is to make it more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, Barnes said. "The project is intended just to create more accessibility between resources for everyone."

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Planners Present Possible Solutions for Pittsfield...

A decline in Pittsfield's population has planners reviewing the size and number of the city's elementary schools, their grade configurations and the curricular offerings of the middle and high schools.

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Pittsfield Board of Health to Regularly Discuss...

On Wednesday, the panel mapped out its path forward after unsuccessfully recommending that the city resume mosquito spraying, which was discontinued in 2021.

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Williamstown Con Comm Looks to Take Custody of Spruces...

On a vote of 6-0, the commissioners OK'd draft warrant article language about the 114-acre former Spruces Mobile Home Park at 60 Main St. (Route 2).

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Lever Launches Massachusetts Founders Network to...

A statewide one-stop source for networking, collaboration and resources for innovative entrepreneurs was launched on Wednesday with support from state and local officials.

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MCLA Announces Theatre, Music Productions for...

MCLA will host four productions including visiting performing artists, guest directors, and student directors in addition to two student concerts.

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Tribal Nations Return to the Berkshires for Alliance...

The public is invited to join these events

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