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Found 1345 Results matching the phrase "glen project"
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Adams Selectmen Sign 25-Year Agreement With Campground...

The company will pay the town at least $74,400 annually; up to 7 percent of its gross profits; and real estate and property taxes.

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Pittsfield 2023 Year In Review: Transformation

The year 2023 was one of transition for the city with a selection of new leaders and multiple transformative projects underway.

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Adams Picks Mass Audubon for Glen Educator

The Select Board on Wednesday voted unanimously to enter into negotiations with the nature nonprofit to offer year-round programming.

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North Adams Dealt With Big Projects, Big Challenges in...

The city is ending a year filled with major projects getting underway, some massive infrastructure challenges and the announced revival of a significant pillar of the community.

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North Adams Public Schools Art Teacher Wins Award

Appleget is the only award recipient in the 2023 award cohort to represent arts education work based in Berkshire County.

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BRPC Launches Outdoor Recreation Website

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission's new outdoor recreation website connects residents and visitors with the county landscape while promoting the region.

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Great Barrington Community Impact Fund Committee...

Funds are received annually by the town from cannabis-related businesses, and the CIF Committee recommends how the funds are allocated, with priority for organizations addressing health-related impacts of cannabis businesses in the community.

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BEAT Pushback Extends Comment Deadline on Berkshire...

BEAT's Executive Director Jane Winn and Program Director for No Fracked Gas in Mass Rosemary Wessel wrote a letter to members of the DPU after learning about the hearing from an article posted on

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Wahconah Park Committee Looks for Cost Savings on $30M...

The project designers presented a revised option that shaves off about 7,000 square feet from the 40,000 square foot design valued at $30.2 million.

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Dewey Hall Gets $15K Donation Boost Toward...

Housatonic Heritage has granted a $15,000 Heritage Partnership grant. This will go toward a $35,000 matching grant for feasibility and planning from the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities fund announced in July.

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Pittsfield Housing Trust Looks to Involvement with CPA...

The Affordable Housing Trust will offer its expertise for Community Preservation Act applications related to housing.

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PEDA Awards $9.8M Bid for Redevelopment of Site 9

A contract has been awarded for the redevelopment of Site 9 with an expected completion date in fall 2024.

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Dalton Sees Project Completions, New Initiatives in...

The town saw a mixture of change, progress, initiatives, and project completions in 2023.

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Mount Greylock Takes Step to Secure Funding for School...

In the end, the School Committee voted 6-0, with Ursula Maloy absent, to give the preliminary commitment Bergeron sought in order to give Solect assurance that the district was interested enough for the developer to fund the National Grid study.

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Berkshire Bounty Opens North County Cold Storage at...

A cold storage facility will act as a depot for local farmers to deliver meat, dairy, eggs and produce to a central location where it will be aggregated, stored, and delivered to participating food distribution organization partners in North Adams, Adams, Williamstown and surrounding towns.

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Public Projects Prominent in Williamstown in 2023

Three high-profile publicly funded projects that took years to get underway reached or neared the finish line in 2023.

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Richmond Consolidated Students Collect Socks, Food for...

Students at Richmond Consolidated School recently concluded their annual food drive and sock drive, having collected 578 pairs of socks and more than 1,000 items of food.

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Clark Art Free For Three Program

"Free for Three" program offers greater access to museum and exhibitions for all

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Berkshire County Historical Society Elects New Board...

The Berkshire County Historical Society elected its board of directors and officers for 2024.

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North Adams School Building Committee Looks Forward to...

The Massachusetts School Building Authority's board unanimously approved the school district's preliminary plans on Dec. 13 and has invited it into the next module: preferred schematic design.

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