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Robert Wiley , 80

Robert A. Wiley 1942-2023

Bob Wiley died from post Covid complications at the Williamstown Commons on March 29, 2023 surrounded by his wife, son & daughter.

Born in Washington, DC on July 26, 1942 he was the son of Arthur & Elizabeth Wiley. Bob grew up in Arlington, VA, graduated from Washington-Lee High School in 1960 and graduated from Rutgers University in 1964. After college he served in US Army for 2 years stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky. After his military service he returned to northern Virginia and taught social studies at Fort Hunt High School for 4 years. He moved to Williamstown in 1970 with his wife, Carol Wiley and his daughter Kim and son Scott to become the crew coach at Williams College. He continued to teach social studies at Pittsfield High School and Lenox High School and received his Masters in Education from Goddard College in Plainfield, VT.

Bob loved to bike, paddle & ski. He was an avid hiker, back packer and mountaineer. He attended the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) in Wyoming and spent as much time as he could in the mountains with his second wife and fellow adventurer, Kathleen Schultze. The outdoors fueled Bob’s passion for landscape photography. He was never without his camera whether hiking in the Berkshires or climbing the Grand Teton. The last 18 years of Bob’s working life was as an outdoor guide at Canyon Ranch of the Berkshires. Bob & Kathleen travelled extensively throughout the western US. After retirement they went cross-country in their RV. Their final trip was hiking in the Alps. Unfortunately, Bob was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the same year as his retirement. This limited his ability to travel and participate in an outdoor life.

Bob is survived by his wife, Kathleen Schultze, his daughter and son and their families: Kim Wiley-Schwartz, Andy & their children Nora & Isaac; Scott Wiley, Leta and their children Kaitlyn, Devin & Taylor. He is also survived by his 2 step daughters, Ashley Guerin and Allison Springman, Daryl & their children Zoe & Maisy. Bob had 3 great grandchildren.

A celebration of Bob’s life will be held in June in Williamstown. Donations in his memory can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association and WAMC. To add to the Book of Memories, please visit

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Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
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I worked in Outdoor Sports at Canyon Ranch with Bob between 2008 and 2013. We shared stories about our experiences teaching high school and had many fun hikes and bikes. What a nice and interesting man. My condolences for your loss.
from: Lori Murphy on: 04-24-2023

Bob was my crew coach for 4 years - great man and leader - demanding in a relaxed way. Fondest memories of getting me to cut my hair to be in The Way We Were - and Bob stroking the boat for Robert Redford in the distant shots!! Great memories of a great man! Condolences to all the family.
from: Jim Holmeson: 04-13-2023

Bob Wiley was my Social Studies teacher for my Junior Year at Pittsfield High School ('71/'72') He was the best teacher I ever had and his influence, or rather, his validation and support for who we were as individuals was life changing in a time of conformity. I learned a lot in his class and I will always be grateful. I know everyone else in that class felt the same way.
from: COLIN D HARRINGTONon: 04-10-2023

We are so sorry to learn of Bob’s passing. We have such fond memories of sledding in your backyard on Haley Street.
from: Bill and Pat Girardon: 04-07-2023

I am so grateful that Coach Wiley was part of my life. I went to a liberal arts college, where one is supposed to learn new things. Coach Wiley's crew was the most liberal - broadening, enlightening, and growing - part of my education at Williams, and he did that for me.

PS The team claimed I failed to tighten a wing nut and Coach Wiley got to watch the chaos; I'd tell them - now - it was a devious plan to improve them.
from: Jon Abbotton: 04-06-2023

I was co captain with Tommy Parker in 1974/75 under Bob our coach and a real character .

Once while driving along the left side of Onota, keeping pace with us, one of the front wheels of his VW bug came off, he was lucky he did not end up in the water!

Sophomore (or junior,I am70!!) year at the Head, Jon Abbott our cox, forgot to tighten the nut atop the rudder

As we approached the floating start I saw him freaking (I was rowing 7 seat). With no rudder, ar every turn he had to call one side to power down, at the 2nd bridge our bow blade hit the bridge and snapped. We were pissed at Jon and rowed hard. Half way down Bob was watching from a bridge as we powered in a straight section, little did he know!!

Another time, during spring training on the Potomac, rowing out of the Thompson Boat Center, Bob, in the coaches launch, encountered a dead body up near Hens and Chickens and freaked out.

Only Bob.

May he row in peace.
from: on: 04-06-2023

Kathleen and Family, We were so sorry to hear of Bob's passing. Steve has always enjoyed trading adventure stories with Bob about skiing and canoeing, and I loved sharing our individual experiences with NOLS. Bob certainly enjoyed life to the fullest and we're glad you got to share in his adventures. Please accept our deepest sympathies.
from: Karen and Steve Blazejewskion: 04-05-2023

Kathleen, Scott & Kim, I am so sorry to hear the sad news of Bobs passing. He was such a kind hearted man and I have many memories of him. Please know I am thinking of you and the family at this most difficult time. Tammy Picard-Lowell
from: Tammy Picard-Lowellon: 04-05-2023

I’m so sorry to hear this news. Charley and I send our most sincere condolences. Bob taught me how to splint a broken leg with a ski pole while I was in college and was so kind to me when I was a recent grad working with him at the Mountain Goat, and later as a mentor when I was teaching. Williamstown won’t be the same without him- he will be greatly missed.
from: Kate Brillon: 04-04-2023

I first met Bob in 1957 when he pledged our high school fraternity. Bob was always a bright smiling light in the room with a funny story to tell. One of my favorites was when Bob was stationed as a 2nd Lt. in the Army at Fort Knox. Bob knew that a friend from his high school fraternity was undergoing Basic Training at Fort Knox. So Lt. Wiley, having cleared this stunt with the Drill Sargent, marches into the barracks and with his best command voice shouts “Attention” and then “Private Per-Lee front and center”. Pvt Per-Lee presents himself at attention in front of Bob. Bob orders Pvt. Per-Lee to “Come with me”. He then marches out of the barracks and up a street and around the corner. After rounding the corner they laughed and hugged and then went to the PX and spent a couple of hours catching up. Then Bob returned Pvt. Per-Lee back to his barracks. Bob loved to tell this and many more stores.

RIP Bob - A life very well lived. I will miss him
from: Bob Burton on: 04-03-2023

Kathleen and family, So very sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
from: Chris Robareon: 04-03-2023

Kathleen and family: We were sorry to hear of Bob's passing. His life as a photographer and in the outdoors is memorable. We still remember when he lived in our neighborhood.
from: Roger and Julia Boltonon: 04-03-2023

Bob audited a class of mine at Williams a few years ago and couldn't have been kinder. Always hesitant to intervene on the students' experience, Bob would frequently hang back afterward until I finished answering student questions and then walk out with me, discussing the day's class and sharing his own teaching experiences along the way. A smart, curious, and genuinely nice man. I am so sorry to hear of his passing -- my sincere condolences to his family.
from: Justin Croweon: 04-03-2023

from: DEEDEE BLAIR ADAMSon: 04-03-2023

Dear Kathy and Family
It is with great sadness that we have heard of Bob's passing. He was a true gentleman. We will certainly remember the Williams basketball games that he attended with you. Please accept our sincere condolences.
Jim Morocco and Carolyn Larabee
from: JIm Moroccoon: 04-03-2023

We are very sorry for your loss. We were lucky enough to work with Bob and his photography over the last few years. We enjoyed hearing of his adventures and his "words of wisdom" he collected in his travels. May he rest in peace.
from: Elinor Goodwinon: 04-03-2023

Kathleen & Family, I am so very sorry for you loss. Please accept my sincerest condolences.
from: Kathleen Toohey Carboneon: 04-03-2023

Bob. Rest in peace, you gave it a good fight. Deep sympathy to Kathleen and family. Joe & Ann Doyle
from: Joseph Doyleon: 04-03-2023

Kathleen and family. So very sorry for your loss. Bob lived a full and good life. Cherish the memories.
from: Sharon DeMyer Nemseron: 04-03-2023
