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Donna St.Jock, 70

ADAMS, Mass. —  Donna Ann (Singer) St.Jock of Granville, NY passed away unexpectedly on January 27, 2023 at her daughter’s home in Delaware after experiencing cardiac arrest. She was 70 years old. The family is both devastated and shocked by her death. Donna was born on January 12, 1953 to George and Genevieve (Mignault) Singer in Adams, MA.

In 1972, Donna met the love of her life, Richard, at Shenandoah Bible College where they got married in 1973. Donna and Richard went on to have three children. She was a wonderful mother who was always there when her children needed her.

Donna was a strong servant of the Lord where she always tried to help those in need by providing for their needs or giving a comforting word of reassurance. She loved children where she was a passionate and dedicated teacher in Christian schools. Donna shaped the minds of many students as well as greatly impacted their lives. She took an active role in the lives of her grandchildren who all love her dearly and will always cherish the memories they have with her. Donna loved spending time in the kitchen, creating delicious meals and desserts for her family and friends. She also loved gardening and doing stitchery. She was always willing to lend her ear to others or be a shoulder for others to cry on.

Donna is survived by her loving husband Richard St.Jock; children: Daniel St.Jock of Granville, NY, Deborah (St.Jock) Sandhu of Hudson Falls, NY, and Delicia St.Jock of Georgetown, DE; grandchildren: Monique Greenlee, Alex Greenlee, Caitlin Greenlee, Adam Greenlee, Gabrielle Greenlee, Dejah St.Jock, and Bryson Sandhu; sister: Irene (Singer) Morrison and Linda (Singer) Kupiec; brothers: Gary Singer, David Singer, and John Singer; as well as beloved cousins, nieces, nephews, and dear friends.

Everyone Donna knew will greatly cherish her impact on their lives; either through love, friendship, humor, or her very generous heart where she loved to give. She will be sadly missed and will always hold a place in everyone’s hearts who knew this beautiful woman.

Donna’s heart of this world may have failed but her spirit was stubbornly strong:

When peace like a river attendeth my way

When sorrow like sea billows roll;

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,

It is well, it is well, with my soul.

To honor Donna’s memory, family and friends are welcome to attend a service scheduled for 11:00 am on February 10, 2023 at Trottier-Pringle Funeral Home located at 6 Summer Street in Adams, MA. Flowers can be sent to the funeral home directly or memorial donations to help offset funeral costs can be made at

Obituary Posted By: Trottier Pringle Funeral Home

Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
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Dave and Gary I'm so sorry to hear of your sister's passing. My deepest condolences to you both and the rest of your family.May your memories sustain you until you all meet again. Love ,
from: Cindy (Pecor)Schneider on: 02-11-2023

We are so sorry to hear of Donna’s passing, and we send our deepest condolences to Dick and family. Kaitlyn still remembers visits to Dick and Donna’s with her grandmother, Linda, and how much fun she had and how loved she felt by Dick and Donna and the rest of the family. We will keep you all in our thought and prayers. ?????????
from: Mark, Kelly and Kaitlyn Kupiecon: 02-10-2023

My deepest sympathies to her family.
from: Bethon: 02-09-2023
