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Robert Peck, 92

POWNAL, Vt. — Robert "Bob" Russell Peck, 92, a longtime resident of Pownal and retired Williams College athletic director, died on Oct. 15, 2021.

During his hospitalization, Bob's wife, Lynn, his son, Bob, and all of Bob and Lynn's children remained vigilant by his side. Coach Peck served everyone with generosity, good will and care. He brought many types of people together and provided connections to help them along their paths in life.

Bob received his master's from New York University and his doctorate in physical education from Columbia University Teachers College in 1958. Bob was a first lieutenant in the Marine Corps, stationed at Quantico and served in Korea, where he coached the First Marine Division football team.

Bob coached at Bates College, was athletic director at Boston University, and a Fulbright Scholar. As Williams athletic director from 1971 to 2001, he hired a record number of African American and women coaches. Under his leadership, Williams won the first-ever Division III Directors' Cup (the Sears Cup).

Coach Dick Farley recalled Bob's sense of integrity. "I remember him saying: 'As far as I'm concerned, you'll never get fired for losing. But if you're caught cheating, you're right out the door.'" Bob worked with Basketball Federations of Costa Rica, Finland, Sweden, Columbia, Zimbabwe, and took the Williams men's basketball team to play in Cuba. He taught Winter Study for more than a decade at Williams, taking optometrists and students to Nicaragua to provide eye care. Throughout his career and in retirement, Bob enjoyed watching his coaches, students, and family members compete.

Bob was involved in Witness for Peace, marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s, and protested against the Vietnam War. Bob and his first wife donated natal incubators to Vietnam and brought children back to the United States to be adopted. He was a longtime member of First United Methodist Church of Williamstown.

Bob and Lynn enjoyed many years of travel here and abroad and made their home a warm, welcoming place for family and friends to gather. Bob loved sitting on his back porch with Lynn and his corgi Sophie, two beloved companions. When Lynn and Bob expanded her home in Pownal, they added a sauna. Lynn suggested "sauna night," and over the years people enjoyed the camaraderie and health benefits of their sauna (a word Bob insisted be pronounced the way the Finnish say it).

Bob is survived by his wife of 28 years, Lynn Hood. His four children from his first marriage to Jane Cary Chapman Peck include Robert Chapman Peck (Celeste June Henriquez), James Wesley Peck (Anne Marie Keegan Peck), Cary Liisa Peck, and Jonathan Thanh Danh Harris Peck (Zelda Harris Peck). Bob is also survived by Lynn's two children, John Karl Moyant and Janie Moyant Burke (Patrick Burke).

Surviving grandchildren on the Peck side include Julien, Abigail, Collin, Jameson, Arielle, Anderson, Joshua, Jonathan, and Wesley and on the Hood side include Emily, Olivia, Trevor, Riley, and Griffin. Bob was ecstatic about having a great-grandchild, Maebh, daughter of Emily (Sean Mitchell). Bob is also survived by his ever-faithful dog Sophie. Those two were inseparable.

Dr. Jane Cary Chapman Peck predeceased Bob in 1990 after 33 years of marriage; Bob's two brothers, James and William, also predeceased him.

FUNERAL NOTICE: A memorial service was held for family and close friends while a wider community celebration will be announced for next spring. We are in the process of setting up a charitable donation fund in lieu of flowers.

Thank you to Bob's caregiver, Cindy Schneider; the doctors and nurses at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center; Nick N. Flynn and Flynn & Dagnoli Funeral Services; the Williams College community; the Williams College Chaplain, Reverend Valerie Bailey Fischer; the First United Methodist Church; and all of Bob’s family, friends, allies, and coaches. To add to the Book of Memories, please visit

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Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
Post Comment
My deepest condolences to Lynn Bob's wife and his children Bob Jr. ,Jim ,Jonathan,Carey ,Janie and John Karl.Bob had a blended family like I do and loved them all the same.He also leaves his fur baby Sophie. What I remember most about Bob is his happiness at getting the mail and then going through it and sending out donations to the different charities that needed it .He donated to mostly all of them.It made him very happy to do it.The quarterback club at William's was another event he loved .I would attend with him as well as rides around the town and Bob would show me all his favorite places.Im glad I got to know him and spend the time with him that I did.He was a very special man.Rest in Peace Bob Peck until we meet again on The Stairway to Heaven.
from: Cindy (Pecor) Schneider on: 11-17-2021
