By Susan Bush 12:00AM / Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Adams - Town Selectmen's Chairman Edward MacDonald will seek the Democratic nomination for a two-year state House of Representatives seat, he said during a telephone interview earlier today.
MacDonald joins former Williamstown Selectwoman Margaret J. Ware in confirming a run for the seat currently held by state Rep. Daniel Bosley D-North Adams. Bosley was named an economic development advisor to Gov.- elect Deval Patrick and is expected to resign from the legislative post in early January.
MacDonald lost a bid for the seat in 1986, when he ran as a member of the Republican party against Bosley.
"I lost 20 years ago, and I've been waiting for 20 years for this opportunity," MacDonald said.
MacDonald left the Republican party and joined the Democrats after his defeat. He is currently serving his third elected Selectmen's term. His terms have not been consecutive; MacDonald was defeated in 2000 by Marya Kozik. He was first elected a town selectman in 1997, and was reelected in May 2003. His third three-year term began after he was reelected in May 2006.
MacDonald said that his first goal if elected would be to seek tax relief for senior citizens.
"I have legislative experience and I have Boston contacts," MacDonald said. "I know my way around and people know I have the [political] contacts. As for the economy, I know what works and what doesn't work."
His campaign is in its' beginning stage, he said.
"I'm just getting organized," he said.
North Adams City Councilor Gailanne Cariddi has confirmed that she is interested in seeking election as state representative and City Councilor Richard Alcombright expressed interest in a possible run as well.
Alcombright termed Bosley a "legend" and said that he would not have challenged him for the seat but views the current wide-open candidiate field as an opportunity.
The 1st Berkshire District includes five communities in Franklin County. Hawley, Heath, Charlemont, Rowe and Monroe are included in the district; Heath Selectmen's Chairman Thomas Lively has reportedly said that he is seeking input about a potential run from family and friends.