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Becket Motorcycle Accident Kills One
BECKET, Mass. — A 59-year-old Swiss woman was killed in a motorcycle accident Monday afternoon in Becket.
Lorenza Bernasconi-Galli was operating a 2007 Honda BTM, three-wheeled motorcycle west on the Massachusetts Turnpike when she drifted into the breakdown lane and struck the guard rail, according to state police from the Westfield barracks.
The trike and rider continued west for 188 feet before the rider was ejected. Bernasconi-Galli was fatally injured in the crash and pronounced dead at the scene.
The accident occurred at about 3:27 p.m. at mile marker 16.8 in Becket. Two other bikers were traveling with the victim but were unhurt.
The far right travel lane and breakdown lane were closed for approximately three hours during the investigation. No traffic delays were reported.
The facts and circumstances of the crash remain under investigation by Troop E with the assistance of troopers assigned to the Crash Analysis and Reconstruction Section and the Crime Scene Services Section. Troopers were assisted at the scene by the Department of Transportation Highway Division.
Tags: motorcycle, fatal, accident |