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Berkshire Chamber 'Eggs & Issues' Features Alcombright
New North Adams Mayor Dick Alcombright's a popular guy at chamber breakfasts. If you missed him at the Williamstown breakfast last month, he'll be speaking next Wednesday, March 24, at a Berkshire Chamber of Commerce "Eggs & Issues" event at the Bounti-Fare in Adams.
The Berkshire Chamber hosts the informal breakfasts to allow members to hear about topical issues with local and regional experts and officials. The last breakfast was held at Hillcrest Educational Centers with Sen. Ben Downing (also a frequent favorite lately at area chamber events).
Wednesday's event, sponsored by MountainOne Financial Partners, will run from 8 to 9:30 and feature a light but we'll bet tasty breakfast, based on past experience.
The cost to attend the event is $10 for Berkshire Chamber members and $15 for nonmembers. Sign up by contacting Christine Hoyt at 413-499-4000, Ext. 26, or choyt@berkshirechamber.com or at www.berkshirechamber.com.
We'll see you there.
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