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Four Arrested in MCLA Armed Robbery
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Investigators have made several arrests in connection with a home invasion and armed robbery that took place on the campus of the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in December.
Joshua E. Jadusingh, 18, of West Main Street, pleaded not guilty Friday morning in Northern Berkshire District court to single counts of home invasion and armed robbery. Judge Laurie MacLeod ordered that he be held at the Berkshire County House of Correction on $25,000 cash or $250,000 surety bail.
Jadusingh will be back in court for appointment of counsel on Jan. 24.
Police also arrested and charged a 15-year-old, whose identity was not released because of the individual's juvenile status, in connection with the incident.
The charges stem from a reported armed robbery at the one of the college's townhouse dormitories on the evening of Dec. 14, 2010. Campus, state and North Adams police were called to the scene but law enforcement authorities refused to provide further information on the incident although there was speculation drugs were involved.
Both arrests stem from search warrants executed at 3 Secor Ave. and 105 West Main St. late Thursday morning by state police detectives assigned to the district attorney's office, MCLA campus police, North Adams Police and members of the state police Violent Fugitive Apprehension section, Crime Scene Services and the Berkshire County Drug Task Force.
As a result of the execution of the search warrants items were seized from both locations.
Police say two other juveniles ages 15 and 16 were arrested in late December in connection with the robbery. The investigation is continuing and other arrests are possible.
Investigators are asking anyone who may have information about the robbery to call them at the MCLA Office of Public Safety at 413-662-5284.
Tags: armed robbery, home invasion, MCLA |