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Stamford Crime Watch Sets Meeting
STAMFORD, Vt. — There is a meeting at the Stamford School at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20, to start organizing our Neighborhood Watch Group.
Ken Sullivan-Bol will be handing out information and talking about his experience in Washington, D.C., at the National Neighborhood Watch certification class. Join us to discuss what we can do to make Stamford a better and safer community for all.
More information can be found at the Stamford/Clarksburg crime watch site www.towncrimewatch.com.
The community is encouraging anyone with a tip or a lead to speak up and contact the proper authorities. If you see anyting suspicious you must call law enforcement immediately. Call Vermont State Police at 802-442-5421 or Clarksburg Police at 413-663-7795. In an emergency, always call 911.
Tags: crime watch, meeting |
North Adams Neighborhood Watch Captains' Meeting
The revitalized city Neighborhood Watch program will hold its first block captains' meeting on Thursday, Feb. 18, at 6 p.m. at 61 Main St. in Suite 218. The meeting's being hosted by the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, Police Department and City Hall.
This meeting has been called in response to the heightened community concern about neighborhood crime and in follow up to the citywide Neighborhood Watch meeting held last Thursday. Anyone interested in being a neighborhood leader and liaison to the Neighborhood Watch Team is encouraged to attend. The captains' meeting will include a discussion of the breakdown of neighborhood areas, organization of neighborhood watch meetings and community communication.
Organizers say the expectation is that from this meeting, captains can return to their communities and begin the implementation of neighborhood watch in their designated areas.
It is important that as many neighborhoods as possible participate and have neighborhood leadership in this community initiative. Call Ashley Benson at the Coalition at 413-663-7588 with questions or if you are considering participating. The meeting is open to the public.
Tags: crime watch, neighborhood watch, meeting |
Crime Watch Meeting Postponed
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — The temporary committee of the Stamford/Clarksburg Community Watch has decided to postpone the next meeting to Feb. 20, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. This will allow our team to go over the information that is brought back from the Crime Watch Meeting in Washington, D.C., at the end of this month. We are postponing this meeting so that the next big meeting can be full of informative handouts that will help make this Crime Watch group a success.
The group was scheduled to meet this weekend.
The response to join the volunteer committee has been poor. We need a few individuals to participate in order to make this a successful.
To sign-up, please send an e-mail to stamfordcw@gmail.com with your name, contact number and how you would like to volunteer. Go to www.townwatch.com for more information.
The crime watch began this past fall after a number of break-ins in the towns of Clarksburg and Stamford, Vt.
Tags: crime watch, meeting, break-ins |
Morningside Watch Meeting
Morningside Initiative's Crime Prevention and Public Safety subcommittee will offer Neighborhood Watch updates and presentations from the Pittsfield Police Department on identifying drug and gang activity.
The meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Morningside Community School cafeteria at 100 Burbank St., Pittsfield.
This meeting is for people who live, work or own property in the Morningside Initiative area and who want to participate in neighborhood watches and learn more about making our neighborhoods safer. Presentations will focus on identifying drug and gang activities. All area residents and business members are encouraged to attend.
The Morningside Initiative area includes East street from Park Square, up North Street to Springside ave, to Benedict Road, to Tyler Street Extension, to Woodlawn Avenue, Kellogg Street to Fourth Street around Silver Lake Boulevard, back to East Street and returning to Park Square.
For more information, call 413-329-4194.
Tags: crime watch, meeting, Morningside |
Crime Watch Meeting
The Stamford/Clarksburg community crime watches will meet Saturday, Dec. 12, from 1 to 2:30 at the Stamford (Vt.) School.
Residents are encouraged to attend to find out what's happening in the neighborhood; a guest speaker
is expected to update us on the latest news about the recent break-ins.
Information will also be provided on a $1,000 reward posted by the Clarksburg Community Watch on the recent burglaries.
Informational hand-outs will be provided; $5 neighborhood watch signs will be for sale. Sign-up to get e-mail alerts from the Neighborhood Watch Group!
To report information, leads and tips contact the non-emergency numbers:
Vermont State Police: 802-442-5421
Clarksburg Police: 413-663-7795
Remember to call 911 IMMEDIATELY if you see anyone suspicious in your neighborhood!
For more information and updates visit your Stamford/Clarksburg volunteer group at: www.towncrimewatch.com.
Be part of this volunteer group and help out your community. Find out what you can do to help.
Tags: crime watch, meeting, break-ins |