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Drury High Graduate Killed in Crash
SHELBURNE, Mass. — A Drury High School graduate was killed in a two-vehicl crash on Sunday afternoon on Route 2, just east of the state police barracks in Shelburne.
Sean Williams, 22, of Clarksburg was traveling west in a 2004 Honda Civic when he collided with an eastbound 1997 Dodge pickup driven 52-year-old Stephen Olaskiewicz of Concord, N.H., at about 1:26 p.m.
Williams was seriously injured and pronounced dead at the scene. He graduated from the North Adams high school in 2006 and was in his senior year at Bentley College in Waltham, where he was studying accounting.
Olaskiewicz and his passenger, Carol Olaskiewicz, 51, were taken to Franklin Medical Center in Greenfield for treatment of injuries.
Troopers were assisted at the scene by the Collision Analysis and Reconstruction and Crime Scene Services sections and the medical examiner's office. The Shelburne Fire Department and police as well as Buckland Police also assisted at the scene.
The accident is under investigation.
Tags: accident, vehicle, fatal |
Crime Watch Sets Meeting, Seeks Volunteers
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — Your Stamford/Clarksburg Community Watch Group is looking for volunteers.
We need your help. We can't do this with out you!
Become a volunteer and join the Neighborhood Watch Group official committee. Be part of this volunteer group and help out your community and protect your home and your neighbor's. It is easy and rewarding work that will keep you informed.
To sign-up, send an e-mail to stamfordcw@gmail.com with your name, contact number and how you would like to volunteer by Jan. 4, 2010.
We are forming an official volunteer committee. We will meet to construct our basic organization before our next scheduled open Community Watch meeting on Saturday, Jan. 16, at 1 p.m. at Stamford (Vt.) School.
See the web site, www.TownCrimeWatch.com, for more information and details.
Question: What do I need to do as a Neighborhood Crime Watch volunteer?
Volunteers help set meeting dates/locations and attend community and committee meetings, promote meetings and raise awareness, make and distribute fliers, sign-up for e-mail alerts, organize meetings and set the agenda, contribute ideas for the group's success, type minutes, organize refreshments/food, help design Web site sections and additions, come to meetings early to set up chairs and tables, etc.
Sign-up to do as much or as little as you can. We appreciate any and all residents who are willing to help.
Want to know about the latest break-in/burglary in your town? Come to the meeting. Find us out on Facebook at Stamford Vermont Crime Watch (which includes Clarksburg news).
Tags: break-ins, buglaries, crime watch |
Crime Watch Holds Second Meeting
We held our second Stamford/Clarksburg Crime Watch meeting. Clarksburg Police Chief Michael Williams addressed the group of 20 serious and committed residents. Great information was given out about the latest confirmed break-in/burglary on East Road in Clarksburg that occurred yesterday (Friday, Dec. 11).
Members are getting more organized and the next Community Watch meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 16, at 1 p.m. at the Stamford, Vt.) School. We expect a big turnout at the next meeting, because attendees said they were committed to making their community aware and getting involved. Signs will be posted at Billmont's Country Store in Stamford and the Clarksburg Town Hall. All newspapers will be contacted as well as all the schools.
The meeting agenda included a review of key points raised at the first meeting; a handout on how to form a neighborhood watch; a request for volunteers; information on a reward related to a Clarksburg break-in and a handout on suspicious behavior and activity; and an update on the new Web site, www.TownCrimeWatch.com, from which 10 e-mail alerts have been sent since the first meeting.
Volunteers are needed to help set meeting dates/locations and attend, promote meetings and raise awareness, make and distribute fliers, sign-ups for email alerts, organize meetings and set the agenda, contribute to ideas for the group's success, type minutes and organize refreshments.
Neighborhood watch signs were available for $5.
To get on the e-mail alert list, contact stamfordcw@gmail.com or clarksburgcw@gmail.com.
To report information, leads and tips to police, contact the non-emergency numbers:
Vermont State Police: 802-442-5421
Clarksburg Police: 413-663-7795
Editor: Meeting attendees are welcome to share what they learned by posting below. We've also been told, unofficially, that a break-in occurred in the town of Florida two weeks ago. Thanks to the Crime Watch for helping us keep everyone updated.
Tags: break-ins, buglaries, crime watch |
Crime Watch Meeting
The Stamford/Clarksburg community crime watches will meet Saturday, Dec. 12, from 1 to 2:30 at the Stamford (Vt.) School.
Residents are encouraged to attend to find out what's happening in the neighborhood; a guest speaker
is expected to update us on the latest news about the recent break-ins.
Information will also be provided on a $1,000 reward posted by the Clarksburg Community Watch on the recent burglaries.
Informational hand-outs will be provided; $5 neighborhood watch signs will be for sale. Sign-up to get e-mail alerts from the Neighborhood Watch Group!
To report information, leads and tips contact the non-emergency numbers:
Vermont State Police: 802-442-5421
Clarksburg Police: 413-663-7795
Remember to call 911 IMMEDIATELY if you see anyone suspicious in your neighborhood!
For more information and updates visit your Stamford/Clarksburg volunteer group at: www.towncrimewatch.com.
Be part of this volunteer group and help out your community. Find out what you can do to help.
Tags: crime watch, meeting, break-ins |
Clarksburg Crime Watch Offers Reward
The Clarksburg Crime Watch wants to catch a thief and is putting up $1,000 reward to find him or her.
The town was hit by a half-dozen burglaries from September to the beginning of November; most are believed to be the work of Stefan Veremko, a Pittsfield man charged recently in connection of string break-ins running from Southern Vermont to South County.
A number of Clarksburg residents, however, are convinced Veremko wasn't working alone or that a second burglar was working the same territory. Several members of the crime watch, who want to remain anonymous, are offering the reward in hopes of catching the person or persons - and returning residents' peace of mind.
The reward will be given to anyone who comes forward with information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons responsible for committing the recent break-in and burglary crimes, particularly one on Mountain View Drive that occurred on the afternoon of Oct. 31.
Residents are asked to call 413-663-7795 with any information they can provide to solve the remaining break-in case (possibly cases) not solved.
In order to claim the reward, you must (1) provide information to the law-enforcement agency that leads to the arrest and conviction of the party responsible for the crime and (2) submit a claim for a reward to Police Chief Michael Williams, who will contact the community watch members on your behalf.
In the event that two or more individuals provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for said crimes, the reward will be apportioned between them as determined appropriate by the watch group. The reward expires on Oct. 31, 2010.
"The Clarksburg Community Watch extends its deepest appreciation to those community members and individuals who have offered this reward. We encourage people to come forward with any information. Please help your community!"
Find out more at the town's Neighborhood Watch site.
Tags: break-ins, buglaries, Veremko, reward |