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Pittsfield Police Investigating Murder-Suicide
Police are investigating an apparent murder-suicide on Plunkett Street. |
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding an apparent murder-suicide at a Plunkett Street home.
The bodies of a 47-year-old man and his 11-year-old daughter were discovered late Monday afternoon when police conducted a wellness check at 72 Plunkett St.
Authorities were at the scene at about 4:30., blocking off a small section of the road.
Investigators were seen going in and out of both the second and third floors of the blue, three-unit home.
It appeared most of the focus was on the third floor. The Berkshire County Sheriff's Department set up its command vehicle in front of the house and multiple cruisers were moved around the area.
Two bodies were removed from the building around 10 p.m. and loaded into the chief medical examiner's vehicle, which arrived around 9 p.m.
Authorities have declined to provide any further information, including identifying the victims or how they were killed.
A very brief statement from the district attorney's office was released at about 10:30 stating "at this point, based upon what police have discovered, investigators fear that what occurred is a murder suicide. The matter remains under investigation and police are seeking information from family members and friends."
The home sits directly behind Berkshire Wine and Liquors, right near the intersection of Tyler Street. On both sides of the police tape, large crowds gathered. Rumors flew around the city ranging in details but mostly centered on a murder/suicide situation.
None of those at the scene reported to iBerkshires hearing or seeing anything suspicious.