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North Adams Election Results 2011

Staff ReportsiBerkshires

Richard A. Alcombright
Total 2,333

Ward 1  470
Ward 2  494
Ward 3  331
Ward 4  591
Ward 5  447

Ronald A. Boucher
Total 1,377

Ward 1  281
Ward 2  290
Ward 3  204
Ward 4  371
Ward 5  231

These results were updated on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at the city clerk's office.
City Council: Top nine vote-getters seated

Lisa M. Blackmer
Total 1944

Ward 1 403
Ward 2 422
Ward 3 278
Ward 4 486
Ward 5 355
John Barrett III
Total 2025

Ward 1 417
Ward 2 428
Ward 3 293
Ward 4 522
Ward 5 365

Michael Hernandez
Total 679

Ward 1  129
Ward 2  152
Ward 3  113
Ward 4  153
Ward 5  132

Michael C. Bloom
Total 1953

Ward 1  406
Ward 2  437
Ward 3  274
Ward 4  471
Ward 5  365

Eric K. Buddington
Total 805

Ward 1  147
Ward 2  176
Ward 3  136
Ward 4  197
Ward 5  149

Jennifer Breen Kirsch
Total 1695

Ward 1  363
Ward 2  383
Ward 3  240
Ward 4  415
Ward 5  294

Keith J. Bona
Total 2099

Ward 1  425
Ward 2  462
Ward 3  291
Ward 4  532
Ward 5  389

Nancy Bullett
Total 2132

Ward 1  434
Ward 2  442
Ward 3  287
Ward 4  584
Ward 5  385

Gregory B. Roach
Total 1179

Ward 1  222
Ward 2  282
Ward 3  175
Ward 4  306
Ward 5  194

David A. Bond
Total 2210

Ward 1 442
Ward 2  510
Ward 3  316
Ward 4  547
Ward 5  395

Robert F. Cardimino
Total 1088

Ward 1  219
Ward 2  246
Ward 3  172
Ward 4  253
Ward 5  198

Gail Sellers
Total 1365

Ward 1  284
Ward 2  307
Ward 3  212
Ward 4  330
Ward 5  232

Marie Harpin
Total 2150

Ward 1  437
Ward 2  458
Ward 3  308
Ward 4  536
Ward 5  411

Catherine Chaput
Total 605

Ward 1  129
Ward 2  130
Ward 3  96
Ward 4  147
Ward 5  103

James B. Gyurasz
Total 271

Ward 1  31
Ward 2  52
Ward 3  32
Ward 4  65
Ward 5  91

Alan L. Marden
Total 2178

Ward 1  433
Ward 2  464
Ward 3  296
Ward 4  592
Ward 5  393
Diane Gallese-Parsons
Total 1435

Ward 1  283
Ward 2 309
Ward 3  210
Ward 4  369
Ward 5  264

Kellie A. Morrison
Total 369

Ward 1  61
Ward 2  69
Ward 3  50
Ward 4  117
Ward 5  72
The candidates are listed as they appear on the ballot except Gyurasz & Morrison, who are not running for office.

School Committee (3)
Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Total
Mary Lou Accetta  521  526  336  597  486  2,466
Lawrence K. Taft  401  439  288  549  405  2,082
Leonard M. Giroux Jr.  124  190  97  160  128  699
Tara J. Jacobs  179  204  136  204  160  883
David A. Lamarre  408  416  253  517  329  1,923

McCann School Committee George Canales      


North Adams Specimen Ballot 2011

Staff ReportsiBerkshires
North Adams Specimen Ballot 2011

We Are the 25 %: A Gen Y Cynic On Why You Should Vote

By Joe DurwiniBerkshires Editorial
While watching the election results come in from the Oct. 18 special election for 3rd Berkshire District state representative at the Crowne Plaza, I found myself chatting with City Council-at-Large candidate Nicholas Caccamo about voter turnout. 

He mentioned my visit to the hub of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and we made various jokes about being part of "the 25 percent." That is, the 25 percent who consistently vote, in most elections, national and local, and the 25 percent or so who essentially end up electing even our most significant national figures, when half or more of the eligible citizenry never hits the polls at all.

That night, the final tally was actually just a little over 21 percent of registered voters that turned out (erroneously reported elsewhere as 24 percent). Tricia Farley-Bouvier won with 33 percent, which means Pittsfield will be represented in Boston by someone only 7 percent of voters here specifically supported.

Nick and I are in another 25 percent (or so) niche, as well: voters in the 18-35 demographic. At the risk of oversimplifying, we grew up in an era and culture of interconnected isolationism. More virtually and potentially connected to each other than any group of humans in the history of the world before us, and yet we are arguably more focused on our own individual selves, in terms of our outward expressions and day-to-day activities, than any group of people in living memory. Over the past couple of decades, an enormous shift has taken place in interests and time spent, from those based around family units, clubs and large group participation to individual pursuits, whether health and self-betterment activities or individualized recreation alone or in small cliques of friends.

As part of that shift from community and larger social concerns, we grew up in a time where it was basically uncool to vote, to be interested in politics. Most of us heard early and often how fatally screwed up The System has become, how corrupt and purchased it all is. Rather than face the ongoing rage and frustration so visibly experienced by the activists of all shades we saw around us, most just turned the sound down on the whole noise. In some quadrants the mere suggestion that any type of voting could ever make a difference brings half-sneering, half-guilty lectures.

I've operated more of both my youth and adult life in those quadrants than in the mainstream, so in some ways I thought it was high time to voice some of my sentiments on this issue. As someone who has been described at various times as a "radical," "anarchist" and even "fascist"; as someone who in a long enough discussion of views is bound to offend almost anyone of any political persuasion, eventually.

So, when I talk about voting, try to keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is as disgusted as anyone by the behavior of government, someone who has over the course of my life created ugly spectacles while officials were giving speeches, and run from cops at protests gone awry; someone who felt ill after voting in my first presidential election in 2000, applied for Australian citizenship after 2004, and I'm pretty sure was on an informal "keep-away-from-the-Senator" list among Kerry staffers for a number of years. You're talking to someone who knows all about the evils of campaign financing and the distortion machine of media coverage from pretty close to inside the belly of the beast.

If you vote, and have usually voted in most elections, and see it as an uncomplicated civic duty to perform ... well, that's great. You and I probably have less in common, though, with the people who this editorial is actually directed to. I'm speaking now primarily to the other 50-75 percent of over-18 adults in America, in particular to those who, as opposed to just being lazy or unaware, are just a bit jaded about the whole thing. It is you who are my most natural constituency, and I'm going to tell you now why I vote anyway, and why you probably should too.

A wise man once told me that "To run for office you need to believe, or pretend you believe, that the fundamental nature of your government is good, valid, and basically works. To be involved in politics, you only need to realize it's the only game in town."

This is the crux of it to me, this prosaic fact that whatever you or I think about it, this is what we have. This is the hand we we were dealt, the game we walked in on. This is the game which ends up deciding how much of our earnings we get to keep, how many hours our boss can make us work, the roads we drive to work on, the circumstances under which we can be suddenly arrested and detained on those roads. I vote because all this is and a lot more is at stake every time names are put on a ballot before us.

I will vote this Tuesday because in a country where, as you read this, so many feel so alienated and unheard by their elected officials that they risk injury and arrest in the streets, local elections are in some ways the most important to vote in. These are people who live in or near your town, people who will return your emails or phone calls, people who have offices you can visit if they don't. These are the people who decide the issues which effect you the most, on a daily basis. Supporting the candidates you think most represent your views and are most accessible to your needs when they’re right there in your own town is the most obvious thing you could ever do to take some control over the events that effect your daily life.

I'll do it because on Oct. 14 I went to Zuccotti Park in New York City on the day that the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators were to be evicted from the square by the city. What I saw there that day was thousands of people that included auto workers, garbage men, teachers, librarians, among people of many other professions and lifestyles, who had been arriving in droves since midnight the night before. 

They came to stand with, and potentially be arrested with, demonstrators who for the past month had occupied the area and marched throughout the financial district for redress of economic grievances. What I saw was an assortment of people who sincerely had hope for real change in our time, a hope that seemed to grow contagious as the city of New York stood down and over the next 24 hours 50,000 marched there, along with millions more in another 1,000 cities worldwide.

Whatever you or I think of their politics or way the movement has been conducted, I believe that most of those people are there because they believe that drastic action, and sometimes shocking commitment, is needed to draw sufficient attention to entrenched problems in our country and government. I believe it is a mistake to conclude, as some have, that all these protestors are people who are complaining but do not vote. In one memorable instance, I spoke with a woman named Lorraine, who told me cheerfully she had voted in every single election for which she'd been eligible since 1960, and on top of that participated in "hundreds and hundreds" of demonstrations and peaceful resistance actions.

I will vote Tuesday in tribute to Lorraine.

More importantly, I'll do it because over the past decade I watched a cross section of friends and former schoolmates return from two brutal overseas wars, their lives inevitably altered forever ... or, in a couple of cases, not return at all. Whatever you or I think about the political decisions that lead those men and women into those situations, the unalterable fact is that they went to those places and they did those things because they took an oath that they would. They committed to the defense of the political decisions of the United States, all knowing that the possibility existed that it might eventually cost them everything.

I'll vote because the fact that they went into those conflicts on the decisions of leaders that a quarter or less of the citizenry put into power is a dark stain on the history of this nation that future generations will now inherit along with all the others.

I will do it because the time and "hassle" of voting is utterly insignificant when measured alongside those kinds of sacrifices.

I will vote because history has this oft-mentioned tendency to repeat itself.

YOU should vote because having spot checked dozens of residential areas in both Pittsfield and North Adams, I've concluded that on average the time it takes to get from most homes to your polling place, vote, and be back home in your slippers is between 20 and 25 minutes.

You should vote because it really shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to basically familiarize yourself with the candidates you're choosing between and have some sentiment one way or the other. Refer to our coverage here on iBerkshires https://www.iberkshires.com/blogs/election2011 and the debates archived online by your local access television for help in brushing up.

You should vote because we both know that no two candidates in any election are really identical, and that that's just one more silly excuse not to just suck it up and do it.

You should vote because it makes us look less like jerks in front of all these other countries.

You should vote because, at the end of the day, all of the excuses not to are sort of cop-outs.

You should vote because if you don't, someday you may come to wish you did. 

Joe Durwin writes about Pittsfield, politics and unusual events.

Beacon Hill Upholds Preliminary Election Results

Staff Reports
Communication from the governor's office on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011, timed at 11:24 a.m.: Governor Patrick just signed the North Adams election validation into law. It is now Chapter 141 of the Acts of 2011.

NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The state House of Representatives and Senate approved Monday validating the preliminary mayoral election results.

The special legislation now awaits Gov. Deval Patrick's approval in the next 10 days. The city adopted a homerule petition three weeks ago to accept the results as counted despite 460 votes being illegally cast.

The ballots instructed voters to pick two candidates and 460 voters did so. However, state law does not allow voters to choose more candidates than there are available seats.

The difference between the second highest vote-getter and the last vote-getter was more than the 460 illegal votes and, therefore, the results would still have narrowed the field to Ronald Boucher and Richard Alcombright. Instead of throwing out the votes, the City Council agreed to let the extra votes stand instead of holding a second election but that requires state approval.

3rd Berkshire Candidates Wrap Up Endorsements

By Joe DurwinSpecial to iBerkshires
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Pittsfield voters in the 3rd Berkshire District will once again go to the polls on Tuesday to choose their next state representative in what has been a passionately contested 4-way race prompted by the resignation of Christopher Esperanzo from the seat this past summer.

As candidates make their final push to get out the vote, individual and organizational supporters have been vocal in announcing their hopes for the winner.

On Sunday, The Berkshire Eagle announced its endorsement of Democratic nominee Tricia Farley-Bouvier for the seat, in contrast to last November when the publication chose not to endorse a candidate in the race between Speranzo, the re-elected incumbent, and the paper's former editor, Mark Miller.

iBerkshires.com has not publicly endorsed any candidate in this race, but has instead collected a list of endorsements received by each candidate.

Republican Mark Jester recently received the endorsement of New Jobs for Massachusetts, a newly formed political advocacy group based in Boxborough. A self-described avid sportsmen, Jester has also received the endorsements of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Political Action Committee, Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts, National Rifle Association, Berkshire County League of Sportsmen Clubs (23 clubs and 3,000-plus members), Pittsfield Sportsmen's Club and Lenox Sportsmen's Club.

Green-Rainbow Party candidate Miller's campaign has garnered a perhaps surprising amount of support among labor unions such as Massachusetts Nurses Association and United Auto Workers,  which have traditionally favored Democratic candidates. Other major organizations include Mass Alliance, a statewide coalition of progressive organizations and action groups, Planned Parenthood, and Clean Water Action. While the growing Occupy Berkshire movement kicked off just over a week ago has not officially endorsed any candidate, vocal support for Miller's candidacy was expressed by many participants at their recent rallies, and Miller was seen in attendance at their Lenox rally at Town Hall.

Independent candidate Pam Malumphy told iBerkshires "of the many endorsement questionnaires that were sent to me, I only filled out NARAL's [National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League]. What I've really focused on is going door-to-door and connecting with voters and great volunteers in this community." Malumphy cited as supporters City Councilor Melissa Mazzeo (who has run radio ads supporting Malumphy's campaign), Adam Hersch of Cavalier Management, Rich Vinette, executive director of Lee Development Corp., former Berkshire Chamber Chairwoman June-Roy Martin, and former City Solicitor Kathleen Degnan.

Farley-Bouvier is a favorite of many local and regional Democrats including Mayor James Ruberto (who hired her as his public affairs aide and then promoted her to acting director of administrative services), Rep. Benjamin B. Downing, Rep. Paul Mark, and Gov. Deval Patrick, who was in attendance at a Friday fundraiser held for her at Itam Lodge. Her campaign also offered the following names of local businesspeople and personalities who've publicly endorsed her run: Council President Gerald Lee, former Mayor Kit Dobelle, Tom Geary, Jeanne Massimiano, Carole Siegel, Shirley Edgerton, Mary O'Brien, Mary Rentz and Miguel Gomez. Farley-Bouvier also received the endorsement of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, who had previously endorsed candidate Peter White in the primary.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. Tuesday for all precincts voting in the special election. A list of polling locations can be found here and on the Election 2011 blog.  (Note: Precincts B in both Wards 1 and 5 are in the 4th District.)
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News Headlines
Psychotherapist Joins CHP North Adams Family Medical
History at the Park: Pond Memories
Clark Art Series of Talks With Writers
Outdoor Ice Skating Will Return to Pittsfield
Teacher of the Month: Colleen Trager
South County Construction Operations
Mild Drought In Parts of Berkshire County
Market 32 Fundraising Campaign for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
Berkshires, Pittsfield Highlighted in U.S. Senate Debate
Consent Laws Void Criminal Charges in Miss Hall's Case

Where to vote in Berkshire County

State Election
Tuesday, Nov. 4

Voting is from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Deadline to register or change party affiliation was Oct.15.

Candidates on the ballot in races for state office; all others on the ballot are unopposed. Links will take you to their campaign websites.

U.S. Senator
Edward J. Markey, Democrat
Brian J. Herr, Republican

Governor/Lieutenant Governor
Charlie Baker & Karyn Polito, Republican
Martha Coakley & Stephen Kerrigan, Democrat
Evan Falchuk & Angus Jennings, United Independent Party
Scott Lively & Shelly Saunders, Independent
Jeff McCormick & Tracy Post, Independent 

Attorney General
Maura Healey, Democratic
John B. Miller, Republican

Secretary of State
William Francis Galvin, Democratic
David D'Arcangelo, Republican
Daniel L. Factor, Green-Rainbow

Deborah B. Goldberg, Democratic
Michael James Heffernan, Republican
Ian T. Jackson, Green-Rainbow

Suzanne M. Bump, Democratic
Patricia S. Saint Aubin, Republican
MK Merelice, Green-Rainbow

Municipal Elections

The cities of Pittsfield and North Adams will hold municipal elections for mayor, city council and school committee in 2015

You may vote absentee: if you will be absent from your town or city on election day, have a physical disability that prevents you from voting at the polls or cannot vote at the polls because to religious beliefs.

2010 Special Senate Election Results

Election 2009 Stories

Election Day 2008




1st Berkshire (42)
2010 (0)
2011 (78)
2012 (59)
2013 (63)
2014 (76)
2nd Berkshire (29)
3rd Berkshire (19)
4th Berkshire (14)
attorney general (6)
auditor (5)
campaign (72)
candidate forums (49)
city council (40)
Congress (25)
election (74)
endorsements (47)
events (30)
fundraising (10)
governor (26)
letters (9)
local (18)
mayor (54)
news (8)
school committee (21)
selectmen (22)
selectmen (16)
sheriff (28)
state (24)
statements (45)
Szczepaniak Mayor Macdonald Governor City Council Boucher Pittsfield Bowler Williamstown U.s. Senate Election 2013 Mark Berkshire Brigades Independent Bosley Candidates Preliminary Cariddi Town Election Democrat Republican Party Election 2014 Town Elections Democratic Party Selectmen Debates Special Election 1st Mass North Adams Lieutenant Governor Letters To The Editor Debate Primary Bissaillon Campaign
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