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Hoosac Valley Class of 2015 Focuses on Making History

By Jack Guerino
iBerkshires Staff
10:06PM / Friday, June 05, 2015
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The Hoosac Valley class of 2015 was told to make history at  graduation exercises at the high school on Friday night. See more photos here.

CHESHIRE, Mass. — The Hoosac Valley class of 2015 on Friday reflected on the history they made and the history they will make.

Graduate Samantha Staffin addressed the 84 members of the class to note  the class motto is "making history."

Along with the array of "superstars" in the class of 2015 who made history in sports, art, and in the classroom, Staffin remembered its early beginnings as freshmen transferring from schools as the new Hoosac Valley Middle and High School was being constructed.

"A crucial aspect that needs to be expressed to show how historic we are is how we worked together to get through freshman year," Staffin said. "The older [Memorial School] building with moldy ceilings, broken bathrooms, desks falling through the floor, and classrooms inside locker rooms ... not many people can say they started middle school at high school and high school at middle school but we can."

She said this transition brought the class of 2015 closer together and when they eventually got to attend the new school it all paid off.

"We were absolutely dumbfounded by how beautiful the building was, and every aspect of the building was shiny, clean, and brand new," she said. "Our class has been brought closer together through the transfer from building to building, and we remained focused on our futures while having fun and making the best of each crazy situation the came before us."

Salutatorian Kyle C. McMartin reflected on the journey the class of 2015 has been on and where their new adventures will take them.

"Tonight is the final part of this journey that we have all taken together for the past four years of our lives," McMartin said. "Tonight not only marks the end of high school but the beginning of our own separate journeys."

He urged his classmates to be themselves and shape their new environments however they wish.

"Don't be another cog in the machine ... take charge and personalize each new opportunity," he said. "We have the power to show the world whatever we wish so why don’t we show them all who we truly are."

Valedictorian Holly N. Cadran thanked all those who helped the class members get to where they are today.

"We would be remiss if we did not recognize all the people that have been instrumental in helping us become who we are and what we strive to be," Cadran said.

Cadran advised her classmates to follow their dreams and never give up on themselves.

"Set the bar high, make bold moves, and execute your dreams, and at the end of the day always root for yourself," she said.

Graduates Val & Sal Scholarships
& Awards
Zachary J. Albareda

Alyson R. Alibozek

Xavier A. Alvarez

Michael C. Barnes

Nicholas W. Bergeron

Kimberly A. Briggs

Matthew E. Burdick

Jonathan W. Butler*+

Holly N. Cadran**+  

Maria E. Cardeno

Thailia G. Chee

Travis L. Ciempa*+

Trevor L. Ciempa

Taylor N. Ciepiela

 Zachary T. Ciuk

 Shelby D. Davis

Mitchell T. DuBuc**+

Alexis C. Dunn*+  

Colby M. Ells

Marissa J. Felter

Hannah E. Folino*+
Claudia A. Fortier

Sabrina A. Foster

Austin J. Frederick

Sydnee R. Gallup

Corinne A. Gilman

Troy M. Goodermote-Klein

London J. Green*+  

Rachel M. Green*+

David T. Haley

Morgan R. Hannaleck

Alyssa I. Hewitt

Travis M. Hilchey

Khalil P. Kareh

Emilie S. Krzanik*+  

Michael L. Lemanski, Jr.

Amber E. Lesure

Avril M. Levesque*

John T. Lewis

Raymond A. Losaw

Tyler R. Mach

William L. Martischnig

Veronica M. Maynard

Brianne A. McCarron

Kyle C. McMartin**+

Malique A. McMillian  

Olivia M. Melillo*+

Austin R. Milesi

Morgan F. Miletich

Bradley T. Miller

Cammie L. Moran

Ryan D. Pause

Brandy S. Pierce

Scot M. Poette Jr.

Matthew J. Provost**+

Christopher M. Reese

Kathryne E. Reeves

Megan T. Richardson*+

McKenzie A. Robinson

Cali C. Romaniak

Emily E. Rosse

Alyssa L. Rylander*+  

Dante E. Sandifer

Nicole R. Sebastino*

Kathleen N. Serre

Shyla M. Sexton

Gabriella Y. Shafer

Eric M. Sniezek

Samantha C. Staffin*+

Keira N. Stern

Marissa L. Stokes

Cheyanne A. Suriner

Bruna A. H. Takahama*

Jacob T. Tarjick*+

Jillian A. Tatro

Joseph N. Tierney

Nathan R. Tomkiewicz

Erin N. Torres

Victoria P. Wadsworth*  

Allison M. Wheeler*+

Carly A. Whitney

Sarah E. Wiles

Zachary W. Wright*

Kendra A. Zieba

**high honors *honors sword-National Honor Society      


Tags: graduation 2015,   HVHS,   

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