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Berkshire Museum Drops Pandemic Restrictions

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Berkshire Museum has suspended its mask and vaccine requirements for visitors. Starting Monday, guests will not be required to wear masks nor show proof of vaccination.
This move follows guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and state and city health officials, who are no advising that indoor masking is no longer required because positive cases of COVID-19 have dramatically declined since the holidays. 
The museum is among the first to drop all pandemic restrictions; a number of Berkshire institutions are still requiring masks and/or proof of vaccination, at least as of Monday. Public schools have already dropped their masking requirements or have set dates for those mandates to expire. 
Pittsfield has dropped from red to yellow in this incident rate level and is reporting about 50 active cases in the city. About 76 percent of residents are now vaccinated. 
Museum staff will continue to wear face coverings and encourage any unvaccinated visitors or those who have a weakened immune system or are at increased risk for severe disease due to age or an underlying medical condition or have someone in their household with a weakened immune system, to do the same, as recommended by public health officials. 
"As we have done throughout the pandemic, we are following scientific evidence, striving to be good neighbors and community members, and adhering to the standards put forth by city and county leaders, and our public schools. We will continue to do so and recognize that this may be a temporary loosening of restrictions. We're all in this together, and we will continue to provide wonderful programming and exhibits to the entire community according to guidance from public health officials," according to a statement by co-Executive Directors Hilary Ferrone, Miriam Kronberg, and Craig Langlois. "We are grateful for the community's support and understanding of our previous admission restrictions as we sought to make every visitor's museum experience as safe as possible."
The museum's current exhibit is "Voyage to the Deep," based on French author Jules Verne's 1870 classic "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." At the center of this fantasy world is Captain Nemo's submarine, a giant Nautilus in which kids can climb aboard and discover the inner workings of a deep-sea submersible and explore the captain's Cabinet of Curiosities full of marine specimens.
Adults only can party at the "(un)Beach Bash!" on Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. with Voyage to the Deep and the White Eyed Lizard Band. Tickets includes marine-inspired nibbles, tropical spirits, and a steel drum band. Admission is $50; members $40. 

Tags: COVID-19,   masks,   

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Lanesborough to Vote on 34 Articles at ATM

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — Voters will decide 34 warrant articles at the annual town meeting on June 11.

The Select Board endorsed a long list of articles during its regular meeting on Monday, most without discussion. 

A $11,846,607 spending plan has been proposed for fiscal year 2025, a 4.3 percent increase from the this year. The budget includes a net increase of $237,129 in education costs for the Mount Greylock Regional School District and McCann Technical School, less than the $271,478 increase in FY24. 

Three articles are related to short-term rentals, or Airbnbs: To impose a local excise tax of up to 6 percent of the total amount of rent for each occupancy, a 3 percent impact fee on "professionally managed" short-term rentals, and a 3 percent impact fee on short-term rentals in two- or three-family dwellings.

"These are the proposed language as provided by town counsel," Town Administrator Gina Dario explained.

Included in the 34 articles is one citizen's petition, which the board was not required to endorse. If passed, this petition would increase the Select Board from three to five members with an annual election of the chair. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes in that election would serve a three-year term, the candidate receiving the second highest number of votes would serve a two-year term, and the candidate receiving the third highest number of votes would serve a one-year term, with three-year terms to follow.

Two articles needed clearance from the Planning Board before coming to the Select Board, one being a request to amend the town's zoning bylaw to raise the cap on accessory dwelling units from 900 to 2,500 square feet.  

The proposal is in response to the lack of housing availability in the community and is the second go-around.

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