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NAMIBC Kicks Off Mental Health Awareness Month

This year, NAMI Berkshire County is helping emphasize the importance of normalizing mental health care by hosting a fundraising and awareness event: NAMIWalks Berkshire County at 5pm on May 3 in collaboration with First Fridays at Five.

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Pittsfield's Mental Health Committee Get Inaugural Members

At its last meeting, the City Council accepted a slate of appointments to the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Advisory Committee.

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BRPC Hopes to Implement Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs in CBRSD

This year the commission is eligible to apply for the MassCall3B grant through the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services and would like to bring its programming to the Central Berkshire Regional School District.

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Behavioral Health Network Receives State Grant

The grant is part of a $4.1 million Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Grants to organizations that support the social-emotional development and behavioral health of children in early education and care programs.

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Brien Center Talk Highlights Mental Health Effects of COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic had immediate and lasting effects on mental health and on providers.

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Park Square Vigil Calls for Better Mental Illness Services "For the Love of T"

The vigil was held by the Love of T, a foundation created in memory of Pittsfield resident Teresa Fitzgerald who died by suicide on May 2, 2021.

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Pittsfield Council Subcommittee Supports Two New Positions

There has been a call for greater mental health services since Estrella's death, with some community members arguing that alternatives to policing are needed and the co-responder should be separate from the PPD.