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Evan James Persson
Brittany Erica Salvi
After dating eachother for almost 7 months Evan proposed to Brittany on June 2nd of 2015. They knew after a couple months of dating that they were meant to be together. Evan had customized the ring design and had it in the house for a couple of days until he proposed to Brittany. On June 2nd, Brittany was talking to her friend Melissa about the possibility of getting engaged. Melissa had told Brittany that her boyfriend asked for her ring size so Melissa saw a possible proposal in the near future for herself. Later that day Brittany was telling Evan about the conversation that her and Melissa had. Then she asked Evan if he had remembered her ring size. At first he said "no" but then walked over to his dresser, pulled out the ring box and opened it. He then said "Is this your size" and got down on one knee and asked her "Will you marry me." She then said "Yes" and they have planned the wedding to be June 24th of 2017.
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