'Nothing to Report' After Monday Police Search in Williamstown

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
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WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Williamstown Police Department conducted a search Monday along the Mohican Trail Shared Use Path in connection to a Dec. 22 shooting.
"They were just doing some searching related to some search warrants," Town Manager Robert Menicocci told the Select Board on Monday night. "As far as I understand it, there’s nothing too new to share that was discovered."
The shooting incident occurred at the 330 Cole Ave. housing complex, which is abutted by the multipurpose trail.
On Monday morning, the WPD posted on social media that there would be, "an increased presence in the area of the multi-use trail (bike path) between Cole Avenue and the Spruces … in conjunction with a follow-up investigation."
The post sparked widespread speculation on Facebook, enough that the administrators of a local Facebook group had to turn off comments on a post asking about "major law enforcement presence" and suggesting it was related to the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement service.
On Tuesday morning, Police Chief Michael Ziemba confirmed that the Dec. 22 incident remains under investigation.

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Williamstown Select Board Weighs in on FY26 Budget, CPA Grants

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Select Board on Monday voted to recommend May's town meeting approve most of the fiscal articles on the warrant.
The board decided to put off a decision on its recommendation for an article related to the sewer department, and the panel split on whether to support a series of appropriations of Community Preservation Act funds.
The fiscal articles, Nos. 3-17 on the warrant, relate to the operation of government and concern, mostly, how to spend money raised through property taxes in the fiscal year that begins on July 1.
The Select Board voted to support 14 of those articles on votes of 4-0 on Monday night.
The outlier was Article 14, a $10.6 million appropriation to fund "general government."
Randal Fippinger, who attended all of this winter's Finance Committee meetings to review the spending plan, was the minority vote in a 3-1 decision to recommend town meeting members pass the spending plan.
Fippinger said he disagreed with the Fin Comm's decision to either not fund or reduce funding for eight different non-profits that had sought town support in FY26.
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