Williamstown Scarborough Salmon Flynt Award Request for Nominations

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WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Scarborough Salomon Flynt Community Service Award Committee is accepting nominations for its tenth annual award.
The Scarborough Salomon Flynt Award recognizes a person's, persons', or civic group's demonstrated dedication, excellence, and integrity in community service in order to make Williamstown a better place. 
Nominators should provide a narrative of accomplishments in support of their nominee. 
The award is a result of the merger of the Faith R. Scarborough Award and the Williamstown Community Chest Volunteer of the Year Award.  It honors Faith Scarborough and her dedication to the town as an active volunteer in the Visiting Nurses Association, St. John's Church, Williamstown Community Chest, League of Women Voters, and as the first woman to chair the Board of Selectmen; Edith and Adolph Salomon, who came to Williamstown in 1939 after having fled Nazi Germany and the gratitude they exhibited to the community that provided them refuge and a home for more than 50 years; and Hank and Mary Flynt, whose numerous contributions to the town, both as volunteers and their generous bequests, have all made Williamstown the special place that it is.
The award will be presented at town meeting on Thursday, May 22, 2025. The deadline for nominations is noon on April 18, 2025.  Nominations should be submitted via the nomination form on the Williamstown Community Chest’s website at https://goo.gl/a0ZQTi .  Using the format on the WCC website, nominations may be emailed to
info@williamstowncommunitychest.org, or submitted in a sealed envelope to the Community Chest office at 84 Spring Street or PO Box 204, Williamstown MA  01267.
If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

Williamstown Asked to Ban Smoking in Apartments, Condos

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Board of Health on Monday learned that town meeting will be asked to outlaw smoking in most multi-family housing.
William Raymond of 189 Stratton Road told the board that he has submitted a citizen's petition to ask the annual town meeting to enact a bylaw that would ban smoking in apartments and condominiums except for those that are owner-occupied with up to four units.
"These requirements are in effect at Highland Woods, Proprietor's Field and the Meadowvale housing complex," Raymond told the board. "I'm only asking for the same protection that subsidized housing people get in the town."
Raymond detailed his own experience dealing with second-hand smoke in his Williamstown condo.
"One of my neighbors smokes cigarettes in her unit and on the deck in the summer," Raymond said. "She's a very nice person. I don't bear her any ill will. I bought her an air filter. I spent $200 to plug up the plumbing lines and electrical lines coming into my kitchen and bath. Unfortunately, the second-hand smoke still comes in."
The smoke is both a nuisance and a health hazard, Raymond said.
"If the smoke didn't come through the walls, I wouldn't care," he said. "The individual's right to do what they want in their own residence is something I respect, very, very much. I want the same rights myself.
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