Hoosac Valley Kindergartners on 'How to Make a Thanksgiving Turkey'

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ADAMS, Mass. — Hoosac Valley elementary kindergartners tapped into their inner culinary genius to share some tips on how to properly cook a Thanksgiving turkey.
Cooking times ranged from "some minutes" to a couple of days. Although some students recommended using a microwave, most gave detailed instructions on how to cook a turkey in the oven. 
Recommendations for cooking temperatures were between 2 degrees Fahrenheit, warm, very hot and 20 percent heat.
Some students offered some insight on where to find a turkey (the store, bookstore,  the park, farm, forest, etc.) while others provided some welcome additions to the recipe including milk, chicken, chips, hot sauce and bacon.
Students recommend that you take a nap after you finish your Thanksgiving meal.  
Nickole Halvorsen's Kindergarten Class
Emma: Find a turkey from the woods, bring it home and put it in the oven and cook it for 5 minutes at hot.
Sawyer: I find the turkey at the farm, then I bring it home and cook it in the oven for ten minutes and cook it at warm. I eat it my turkey with chicken nuggets and other meat. 
Griffin: I find a turkey at a school and then I bake it with flour for ten minutes at warm and eat it with chicken and mashed potatoes.
Alan: I cook my turkey with hamburger and with turkey fries. I cook it in the Krusty Crab for 5 minutes at 10 miles for temperature. 
Ariah: I find a turkey at a barn and I slice the head off so I can cook it and I cook it for ten hours on very hot until it's done and then I take the feathers off to eat it. 
Marley: I buy a turkey and cook it on very hot.
Connor: I find a turkey at the supermarket and then I put it in the oven with butter for 15 minutes at 40,000 degrees.
Anita: I pick it at the store, I put it in the microwave for 3 minutes, then we put warm sauce on it. 
Yuliana: I find a turkey at the store for $5 and bring it home and I stuff it with a unicorn and put it in the oven and cook it for like 3 hours at 2 degrees. 
AJ: I find a turkey at my school then cook it by itself for 13 minutes at warm. We will eat the turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy and that's it.  
Rose: I find a turkey at the store, and I put it in the oven for a short time at a very hot temperature. 
Noah: I find a turkey at a farm and cook it in the oven for 5 minutes at hot. 
Steven: I cook the turkey with stuffing at home in a oven at 3 degrees for 25 hours. Mommy will cook it. Turkey will be smothered in mashed potatoes and a giant cake cooked in a box. 
Alex: You find a turkey in the park and I get two and keep one for my pet and the other for cooking. I cook the one for 9 minutes at 8 degrees and eat it with my other turkey.
Eli: I find a turkey at Walmart, I take it home and stuff it with chicken and cook it 5 degrees for 10 minutes. I eat carrots and green beans with my turkey. 
Jamie: You get turkeys from a farm and you cook it in a microwave for 6 minutes at 30 degrees hot and I make sure it's not too hot and not too cold.
Everleigh: I go to the store and get a turkey. It is stuffed with stuffing and mashed potatoes. It then gets cooked in the oven at 8 degrees for 60 hours. 
Lyla: I get a turkey from a farm, then I cook it in a pan at home in the oven for 50 minutes at 5 degrees. Then we eat it!
Lainey: I find a turkey at a farm, then we go get it and then we bring it to our home to cook it. We put it on the stove for 20 minutes and then we put it in the oven for 20 more minutes at hot. Then we cut it up on a plate and we give it to the Thanksgiving kids. 
Jordan Dupont's Kindergarten Class
Arturo: I would buy a turkey at a bookstore, and cook it with a chicken in the oven for hours on warm
Ava: I would get a turkey from Walmart, and cook it in the oven for 10 minutes on hot hot!
Cian: I don't know where I would get a turkey, but I would cook it in the oven for 40 minutes on cold.  When it was done, I would eat it with milk and chicken. 
Ciel: My mom buys a turkey that is like a chicken from a shop, and then she burns it and cooks it in the oven for 4 minutes at 20 percent heat.
Declan: My parents cook my turkey when it gets dark out.
Elliott: I've never cooked a turkey, and I do not know how!
Erik: I would probably get a turkey from the grocery store. I would cook it in the microwave for maybe 8 minutes. Then I would eat it!
Julianna: I would buy the turkey from Walmart, I would cook it on the stove for 5 minutes.
Mi'amor: I would get a turkey from a restaurant, and I would put it in a pan for 50 minutes at 6 degrees.
Oliver: I would buy a turkey at a store in North Adams and put it in the oven for some minutes and then take it out. But only grownups can do that.
Orlen: I would buy my turkey from Walmart, I would put it in the oven with some beans and cook it for 19 hours and 19 minutes at 50 degrees. When it is done, I take it out of the oven and let it cool down. Then I would put things on it to go with it.
Owen: I would get a turkey from a grocery store. I would stick my hand in it and pull something out. Then I would cook it on the stove for 4 minutes. I would then chop it up when it is done, then we eat it for Thanksgiving! 
Ruby: I would get a turkey from the store, I would bring it home to cook in the oven for as long as it says. When it is done, I would cut it up and put it on plates with eggs and bacon. 
Savannah: I would get a turkey from the turkey house. Then I would drive home and eat the turkey. Then I would go to sleep, wake up in the morning and eat some more.
Star: My dad hunts the turkeys down. We first get all the guts out, then we put it in the oven for 10 minutes at 11 degrees. When it is done, we cut it and then serve our plates with mashed potatoes, eggs, and macaroni. For dessert, we have PIE!
Tucker: I don't need to get the turkey, it is already in my oven. While it is in the oven it turns brown. You cook it for 3 hours. When it's done I would take it out of the oven and put it on a plate. 
Jade Schnauber's Kindergarten Class
Carter: Go to the store, get a turkey and drive it home. Put it naked in the oven, for 15 seconds. Take it out on foil and put it on your plate.
George: Get turkey at the store and bring it home. Put it in the oven, i think, for like 10 or 11 minutes. Then you take it out of the oven and you can eat it.
Ava: Get the turkey at the store. Put it in the oven for 20 minutes. Take it out and eat it.
Kate: I get the turkey at the store. I put it in my car to take it home, and bring it into the house. I cook it in the oven for alittle time, with leaves around it. Then we eat it.
Ronan: Get the turkey from the farm, drive it home. You have to cut it up first, then you put in the frying pan. If you make it two hot just put it in the fridge 5 minutes. Then you can eat it.
Raelyn : I get the turkey from the farm. I cook it for 8 minutes in the oven and then I eat it.
Amelia: You can buy some turkey, or buy some living turkey. Then cut it up, then put it in the oven for 7 to 10 minutes. Then you can eat it for dinner.
Luna: Get the turkey from the store. Then put it on the stove for 24 hours and 15 minutes. Take it out at 30 o'clock, You have to set the table, with napkins, plates and forks before you eat it. Then we can eat it!
Axton: You get the turkey from the farm. Just put in the oven for a couple of minutes and then ding ding, then you are all done. Put it on a plate and nom, nom, nom.
Oliver: Get the turkey from the store. You can use a bag to get them home. You can cook it, maybe in the oven or the mircowave for three seconds and it will be ready. Then you eat it before it gets too cold.
Caleb: Get it from a restaurant. Put on some pepper, sweet and sour sauce, and some nice bacon with it. Then bake it, and make a sandwich with it. That's how you make a turkey.
Liam: You go to the store, Walmart. Get a turkey from turkey aisle. Put it in the car and drive to your house. You cook it in the oven or mircowave for 100 minutes. After that you cut it in half and your family eats it.
Michael: Get the turkey from the farm. Put it a box and go home. Put it in the oven to cook it for one hour. Then you eat it.
Georgia: I get the turkey from the store. Then I put alot prinkles on the turkey, and hot sauce and chips. Then I throw it in the garbage, then I put water on it and throw it right in the oven for 8 minutes. Then it burns on fire and we cannot eat it. So we eat chicken.
Callie Rose: First get the turkey from the farmer. Then turn on the stove, then put the turkey in the stove. Then take it out, and blow on it because it is too hot. Then you eat it.

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Hoosac Valley Regional School District to Undergo Tiered Focused Monitoring Review

CHESHIRE, Mass. — During the week of Jan. 6, 2025, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE) Office of Language Acquisition (OLA) will conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring
Review of the Hoosac Valley Regional School District. 
This review is part of DESE's ongoing efforts to monitor and ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations concerning English Learner Education (ELE) programs.
The Tiered Focused Monitoring Review is a comprehensive process that examines various aspects of a district's ELE program. The review will focus on areas such as:
  • Student assessments for English learners
  • Identification and placement of English learners
  • Parent and community involvement
  • Curriculum and instructional practices
  • Student support services
  • Faculty, staff, and administration licensure requirements
  • Program planning, evaluation, and recordkeeping
The review is conducted every six years for each district and charter school to assess their adherence to relevant laws and ensure continuous improvement in serving English learners.
In addition to the onsite review, parent outreach is a critical component of the process. The Hoosac Valley Regional School District will distribute a survey to parents of students whose records will be
examined. The survey seeks feedback on key aspects of their child's English learner education program. Survey results will be reviewed by OLA and included in the final monitoring report.
Parents or community members who wish to participate further can request a telephone interview with the Review Chairperson, Samantha Kodak, by contacting her at Samantha.k.kodak@mass.gov.
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