Letter: The Best Summer ... Until

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To the editor:

Oh what a summer it's been. I cannot remember a nicer summer than 2024. We used our pool more this year than the past 25 years we've lived here.

Hot, weeks at a time, pretty much no rain other than a few heavy storms that rolled in, and the real purpose of this letter, motorcycling. What an amazing summer, almost every day, sunshine and more sunshine, so much so that at times you would forget that biking is a defense ride more so than a true blast through the hills of the Berkshires especially the fall.

Every day out the door, the same "I love you, and be careful" see you in a bit.

Now my purpose, the roads. Everywhere I go there's people talking about that unbelievable poor conditions and the amount of construction going on, well, if you're in a car it's terrible but bearable (no pun intended) unless your on an air cooling motorcycle, that relies on air to cool the engine, which brings me to ... "The most atrocious set of speed bumps put in the middle of the road." Where you're asking? Exactly, Partridge Road, Pittsfield.

I wish someone had told me because I wasn't speeding when I hit the first one which I completely did not see, because it blends in so well with this newly paved road which I'm sure has brought on more traffic, speeding, texting while driving ect. ... until the residents said, "ENOUGH." But as I said, I wasn't speeding the day I traveled through going to the doctor's on my motorcycle, I hit the first speed bump going the speed limit and almost got killed.

It broke something on the front of my motorcycle and the bike couldn't stop from veering to the left as I tried to ride away, still wondering what happened, so thanks for the sign, you know the one, motorcycles take caution, milled area ahead, warning construction ahead, nope, none, a broken motorcycle, a real long day getting towed, almost got killed, and I was not speeding or offending anyone.

William Tatro
North Adams, Mass.



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Updated Numbers in Greylock School Vote

NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — The unofficial numbers for the school project debt exclusion vote have ticked up just a tad.  
They now stand at 1,450 yes to 1,315 no, a difference of 135 votes. 
A handful of provisional ballots are still to be confirmed but not enough to make any difference in the results. 
The turnout was 2,766 of the city's 9,872 registered voters, or 28 percent. City Clerk Tina Marie Leonesio said she was very happy with the numbers, noting the primaries lackluster showing of 12 percent. 
Unofficial Results
WARD 1 280 336 0 616 2,040 30.20
WARD 2 269 243   513 2,045 25.09
WARD 3 217 187 0 404 1,664 24.28
WARD 4 406 298 0 704 2,107 33.41
WARD 5 278 251 0 529 2,016 26.24
  1,450 1,315 1 2,766 9,872 28.03
The narrow vote hearkens to a similar contentious debate back in 2013 over borrowing for the $30 million Colegrove Park school project. That passed by only 137 votes with 2,645 ballots cast. 
This week's vote saw 98 voters coming in to the clerk's office for early voting, compared to 11 in last month's primary. Leonesio said 1,540 ballots were mailed by request with a return of about 69 percent. 
There had been questions about signatures and inactive voters. The clerk said some ballots were returned without signatures on the outside envelope, less than one percent, and efforts were made to have these confirmed but some voters did not respond. 
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