Letter: Vote Yes for New Greylock

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To the Editor:

Following years of hard work by the North Adams School Building Committee, voters in North Adams will decide on Oct. 8 whether to vote "Yes" and have the city move further forward into the 21st century by building a new state-of-the-art Greylock Elementary School, or to vote "No" and keep using the aging and deteriorating Brayton Elementary School.

The state has agreed to fund 80 percent of the project's $65 million cost by ponying up $42.2 million. The federal government will kick in another $3.6 million for energy incentives, leaving North Adams' share at just under $20 million. A YES vote means we get a brand-new school which will be designed to last at least 50 years. It will have brand-new everything (under warranty) saving money in maintenance costs

A No vote means our students will be educated in Brayton School which is already over 30 years old and in need of major renovations including the roof, outdated electrical systems and a need for a new boiler among other issues. Some of the classrooms will be in the subterranean level which is subject to ongoing mold and mildew issues. That school also has no sprinkler system in case of fire.

The costs to keep maintaining Brayton are estimated at $45 million, about the same amount the state and federal government are willing to give us for a brand-new school. Those estimates are likely to increase if maintenance is done on a project-by-project basis over time because costs increase over time. To me, it's a no-brainer. Either we spend $45 million, if not more, to keep Brayton going or we take that same amount from the state and federal government and put it towards a new school.

Those of us who have lived here most of our lives have often felt we're ignored by Boston because we don't get the state aid for things we want to accomplish. Now it's being offered and all we have to do is say Yes.

Join me on Oct. 8 by voting Yes for a new Greylock School. Remember, we can't expect anyone to invest in us unless we first invest in ourselves.

Paul J. Moriarty
North Adams, Mass. 




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Letter: I'm Voting Yes for Greylock School

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I'm voting Yes on Oct. 8 for a new Greylock School.

My kids will be approaching graduation by the time this school is built, so why do I care about this school project? I care because it's a wise investment financially and strategically for the health of our community which impacts all of us.

The commonwealth will be investing over $42.2 million in this project that will otherwise go to another community if we do not support this project. Another $3.6 million will be awarded in energy incentives. That leaves our community investing $19.6 million for a new school.

Without this project, we are on the hook for renovating Brayton School that is estimated to cost $45 million and will likely be completed piecemeal. North Adams has already addressed the declining population concerns by moving from three to two elementary schools, and this project fits seamlessly into this model with community benefits. A new Greylock will positively impact our community because schools are the heart of communities; they are the pillars of a healthy community. They impact the attendance and health of students, teachers, and staff which positively impacts the overall school climate and school achievement measures. This is what our City needs and is what attracts new families to our community.

Please make a plan to vote Yes on Tuesday, Oct. 8, for a new Greylock School.

Lynette Bond
North Adams, Mass. 




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