Letter: New Greylock an Investment in Future

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To the Editor:

With all the drama around the November elections, politics can become overwhelming for some of us, and it can be easy to tune out anything associated with the word "vote." But on Oct. 8, North Adams residents have a unique opportunity to directly, and positively, impact the city's future generations.

It's no secret North Adams' schools are in need of renovations. Adding to that, it's self-evident that schools with poor infrastructure aren't as encouraging of better performing students and better test results. Declining to give the city's children an improved school would be equal to denying them a healthier, safer environment to learn. Without all of the small things being the best they can be, which is what a new school promises, the overall education of North Adams' children will, no doubt, lag behind other regional school systems.

In North Adams, we often hear talk of a population decline. Approving a new school won't magically stop that inevitable decline, but it will attract new families to the city, and with them, more taxpayers. Furthermore, investing in a new school, rightly assuming that it will produce better education performance, will lead to more educated students, setting our children on an early path toward success. Ten, 15 years down the road, those same students will see North Adams as a more attractive option for their college education, and for their future place of residence. A minute increase in the local tax, when factoring in the possibilities for North Adams' future, is a difficult argument to make for voting against the building of "New Greylock."

The vote on Oct. 8 should be a no-brainer. Parents of the city must be bold for their children, making plans to vote that Tuesday in favor of a mostly-state-funded project that will benefit this generation of children, as well as the next, and the one after that.

For North Adams residents without kids of their own, voting "yes" for "New Greylock" is an investment in their future, as well. Attracting new families to our school system and doing the necessary work to improve the city's quality of life will trigger a virtuous cycle, with future graduates looking to reinvest their knowledge and skills into North Adams and boosting the local economy, and then that, in turn, creating an even better quality of life for all of the city's residents. It would be a failure of duty to live here and not go out and vote for a new school.

Shon Loftus
North Adams, Mass.



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Clarksburg Joining Drug Prevention Coalition

By Tammy DanielsiBerkshires Staff
CLARKSBURG, Mass. — The Select Board has agreed to join a collaborative effort for drug prevention and harm reduction.
The new coalition will hire a North County community coordinator who will be headquartered on the North Adams Regional Hospital campus and who oversee allocations for harm reduction, education and prevention efforts. Berkshire Health Systems has also committed about $120,000 over the next five years. 
Clarksburg, one of the first communities to sign on to the opioid lawsuit filed by a consortium of states several years ago, has so far received payouts of $23,594.78. It's expected to receive nearly $64,000 by the end of the 16-year payout. 
In October, the board had discussed whether to pool that money with other communities, expressing concerns that the small town would not receive enough benefits.
"Anytime there's a pooling of money I think countywide, I think we know where the bulk goes to," said member Colton Andrew said Monday. "I'm more open to the idea of keeping the money here but open to hearing your intentions and how the mony will be allocated."
Chair Robert Norcross said he felt there seemed to be a focus on harm reduction, such as the use of Narcan, and not enough for prevention or problem-solving.
But after hearing from members of the nascent coalition, members voted Monday night to partner with other Northern Berkshire communities.
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