Williamstown Man Pleads Guilty To Child Sexual Abuse Charges

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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — On Monday, June 17, Tom Nelson, 38 of Williamstown, pled guilty in Berkshire Superior Court to three charges related to child sexual abuse:
  • Posing/Exhibiting a Child in the Nude
  • Posing/Exhibiting a Child in a Sexual Act
  • Dissemination of Matter Harmful to Minors, Second Offense
According to a report from the District Attorney's Office, in 2021 the defendant utilized Omegle to make contact with an 11-year-old child. Through the connection on the Omegle, the defendant used predatory tactics to obtain graphic sexual content, on more than one platform, targeting an 11-year-old child. This is the second time the defendant has exhibited such predatory criminal behavior with the first offense occurring in 2018. The child's caregiver alerted law enforcement to the situation after checking the child's device.

The Commonwealth requested 10 years in state prison for the first and second charges of Posing/Exhibiting a Child in the Nude and Posing/Exhibiting a Child in a Sexual Act and five years of probation on and after for the charge of dissemination. The defense requested probation on the first and second charge with a 2.5-year suspended sentence for the dissemination charge.

Judge Flannery sentenced the Defendant to 2 years in the House of Corrections for Dissemination of Matter Harmful to Minors, Second Offense, and three years of probation on and after for posting/exhibiting a child in the nude and posing/exhibiting a child in a sexual act. Conditions of probation are to attend counseling.

Andrew Giarolo represented the Commonwealth. Kristen Rapkowicz served as the victim witness advocate on behalf of the Berkshire District Attorney's Office. The Williamstown Police Department served as the lead law enforcement agency.


If you would like to contribute information on this article, contact us at info@iberkshires.com.

Dalton Commits ARPA Funds Toward Police Station Repair, Design

By Sabrina DammsiBerkshires Staff

The police station has had to deal with toilet backups; the tiles in the bathroom next dispatch have asbestos. 
DALTON, Mass. — Cost estimates have come in to address some of the Police Department's building issues. 
The town needs to address safety issues within the police station, including plumbing, mold, ventilation, mice, water damage, heating, and cell damage.
During the Select Board meeting on Monday,
Building and Grounds Superintendent Jeff Burch informed the Select Board on Monday that the floor tiles, mastic, and the right exterior wall in the bathroom next to the police dispatch office are contaminated with asbestos. The flooring in the dispatch office tested negative. 
The Select Board approved using $4,925 of the American Rescue Plan Act funding to address this. 
It also approved utilizing ARPA funds up to $82,000 for the design and engineering of the police station's sanitary plumbing upgrade and ventilation system installation. 
Burch received quotes from Hill Engineering of $35,000 for the plumbing upgrade and $47,000 for the ventilation system. He is still seeking one more engineering quote at a potentially lower price.
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