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A 'shakemap' on the U.S. Geological Survey website shows the earthquake in New Jersey was felt far and wide.

New Jersey Earthquake Vibrates Through the Berkshires

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NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — An earthquake in northern New Jersey this morning could be felt all throughout the Northeast, from Augusta, Maine, to Washington, D.C., to Buffalo, N.Y.
The magnitude 4.8 quake was registered by the U.S. Geological Survey at 10:23 on Friday morning near Tewksbury Township, a town of about 6,000 west of New York City. There are reports the epicenter was in Lebanon, a smaller nearby community. 
The vibration in North Berkshire went on for about 20 seconds and was strong enough to shake the leaves on the office plants in the iBerkshires office. 
Responses to the USGS were piling in within 15 minutes of the quake, with more than 110,000 in less than an hour. News reports in Philadelphia said it shattered a pane of glass in Center City and sent hundreds into the street. The mayor's office in New York said the there were no immediate  reports of any major impacts. 
The USGS reports the quake occurred about 3 miles below the surface. 
The last major earthquake felt in the Berkshires was on June 23, 2010, when a 5.0 centered new Ottawa sent a shudder along the Atlantic Coast and as far west as Cleveland. That one had rattle bottles at Billmont's Country Store in Stamford, Vt., and shook up town employees in Williamstown. 
A smaller quake, a 4.0, hit in 2012 in Hollis Center, Maine, and sent a shiver through the Berkshires.
News12 in New Jersey spoke with Bret Bennington, chair of the Geology Department at Hofstra University, who said the quake was an uncommon but not unexpected event and typical for this region. 
"We actually live in a little bit of a seismic zone so we can expect a 5 earthquake once every 100 years or so," he said, speculating the quake occurred along the Ramapo Fault, a major fault line along the Appalachians. He did not anticipate any major damage. 

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Veteran Spotlight: Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Bernard Auge

By Wayne SoaresSpecial to iBerkshires
NORTH ADAMS, Mass. — Dr. Bernard Auge served his country in the Navy from 1942 to 1946 as a petty officer, second class, but most importantly, in the capacity of Naval Intelligence. 
At 101 years of age, he is gracious, remarkably sharp and represents the Greatest Generation with extreme humility, pride and distinction.
He grew up in North Adams and was a football and baseball standout at Drury High, graduating in 1942. He was also a speed-skating champion and skated in the old Boston Garden. He turned down an athletic scholarship at Williams College to attend Notre Dame University (he still bleeds the gold and green as an alum) but was drafted after just three months. 
He would do his basic training at Sampson Naval Training Station in New York State and then was sent to Miami University in Ohio to learn code and radio. He was stationed in Washington, D.C., then to Cape Cod with 300 other sailors where he worked at the Navy's elite Marconi Maritime Center in Chatham, the nation's largest ship-to-shore radiotelegraph station built in 1914. (The center is now a museum since its closure in 1997.)
"We were sworn to secrecy under penalty of death — that's how top secret is was — I never talked with anyone about what I was doing, not even my wife, until 20 years after the war," he recalled.
The work at Marconi changed the course of the war and gave fits to the German U-boats that were sinking American supply ships at will, he said. "Let me tell you that Intelligence checked you out thoroughly, from grade school on up. We were a listening station, one of five. Our job was to intercept German transmissions from their U-boats and pinpoint their location in the Atlantic so that our supply ships could get through."
The other stations were located in Greenland, Charleston, S.C., Washington and Brazil.
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