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Mayor Linda Tyer recognizes the work of the Berkshire Environmental Action Team on Tuesday with BEAT leader Jane Winn.

Mayor Tyer Recognizes BEAT for International Award

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff
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PITTSFIELD, Mass. — The Berkshire Environmental Action Team was applauded in council chambers on Tuesday for its various efforts that led to an international award.

"BEAT has worked tirelessly to address significant environmental issues that affect the quality of life for Pittsfield residents as well as the animal and plant life found within its borders," Mayor Linda Tyer said.

Joined by Executive Director Jane Winn, Tyer read a proclamation to the council and attendees.

In June, the nonprofit received a prestigious stewardship award at the International Conference of Ecology and Transportation in Burlington, Vt., for its work protecting and reconnecting wildlife and habitat in the Berkshire Wildlife Linkage area. 

Through a partnership with the city and the Housatonic Valley Association, undersized culverts that carry Churchill Brook under Hancock Road and Churchill Street were replaced along with bridges, allowing a variety of wildlife to pass under the roads.

The effort is part of the Staying Connected initiative, an international public-private partnership that works to maintain landscape connectivity across the Northern Appalachian–Acadian Region of the United States and Canada.

BEAT was one of more than 235 presentations at the conference from 18 countries and 34 U.S. states.

Winn was all smiles as she held the award, which features a picture of a yellow-spotted salamander, the organization's mascot and a prominent species in the area. She wore a matching shirt.

"We are so proud of this recognition and so happy to have gotten our first international award," she said.

Winn thanked the organization's volunteers, donors, and supporters who keep them going.

Two years ago, BEAT collaborated with the city and the Berkshire Watershed Conservation on an 18-by-8.4-foot culvert on Churchill Street that allows aquatic life and wildlife to pass underneath without disturbance.

The structure is a big improvement from the previous culvert: a 48-inch tunnel that made it difficult for even fish to pass through.

BEAT was incorporated 20 years ago and has many missions that include stewardship, education and outreach, and leading initiatives for zero waste, clean energy, and remediation of polychlorinated biphenyls. The organization has been working to clean the Housatonic River since 2003 and has regular events that support its mission.

Tyer coined Winn as a "fearless leader" and congratulated the organization on its achievements.

"Right here in our very own city, we have brilliant work being undertaken by BEAT," she said.

During the announcement, the organization's new deputy director Brittany Ebeling was introduced.

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Marchetti Details Six Months of 'Going Bold' at 1Berkshire Lunch

By Brittany PolitoiBerkshires Staff

1Berkshire President and CEO Jonathan Butlers says the relationship between the business community and the new Pittsfield mayor is off to a good start. 

PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Six months in, Mayor Peter Marchetti detailed his progress in plans to "go bold or go home" during a 1Berkshire luncheon last week.

"My motto over the past six months as some members of the [Pittsfield Economic Development Authority]and my business development director has heard, we're going to go bold, or we are going to go home," he said to a crowd of more than 120 at the Proprietor's Lodge on Wednesday.

"I have four years to make a difference. And I plan on making that difference in four years."

President & CEO Jonathan Butler said the relationship between the business community and elected leaders is critical to making progress and collective success.

"In the case of Mayor Marchetti, this relationship is already off to a strong start. The mayor comes into this position with a deep understanding of the importance of partnerships and the value of bringing different voices together to solve problems," he said.

"Additionally, the mayor's dual background of coming from a career in business, while also serving many years on the City Council and other public roles gives him a unique understanding of the importance of quality dialogue and partnership between the city and his business community."

Marchetti reported that the city's business development team is working on five sets of business prospects — including the first developer for Site 9 at the William Stanley Business Park. The 16 1/2-acre parcel has been a "blighted and sore spot in the community for many decades" but began its journey toward revitalization this year.

"I'm working with a Pittsfield Development Authority board to work on securing the future developer for this site and surrounding places and hoping that we'd be able to make that announcement very soon, as the negotiations are well underway," he said.

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